-City of Angels -

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Heyooo my wonderful people. This is the part two of "Bright Lights, Big City".


"...I found myself in the fire burned hills, in the land of a billion lights..."

No matter how many times you saw the view in front of you, no matter how many times you told yourself it was nothing new, it managed to shock you every time like it was the first. Now you were here, with a stranger, staring at the City of Angels at night. A good few moments passed without any of you saying anything, just looking ahead and admiring the view. It was the good old comfortable silence between two people who shared the same passion for traveling, night skies and city lights.

-It's so beautiful. - you broke the silence.

Just like you, he thought but never said it out loud. - I know. And you never get used to it.

-That's exactly what I was thinking! - you excitedly said.

-And it's so huge. I've been to many big cities, but this one... wow. It blows me away. - he admitted.

-You travel a lot?

-It's kind of my job. Actually, a part of it.

-Who are you, Martin? - you asked with a small smile.

-I am whoever you want me to be.

In a moment both of you burst into fits of laughs, holding your stomachs from the positive pain. - Okay, that was so cheezy. - you admitted.

-I know, I'm sorry. - he said in between laughs.

-You're really funny. - you said after you stopped laughing. - I like you, Martin.

-I like you too, (Y/N). - he smiled, then took your hand gently into his.

You stared into each other for a while, ignoring the world around you. It was such a beautiful moment. Suddenly, the wind started blowing stronger, interrupting your moment. Your notebook opened because of the strength of the wind and a few cut out papers flew away in the air. You jumped up and tried to catch them, but it was too late, they were gone.

-Shit! - you yelled frustratedly. - Bull-fucking-shit!

-Calm down, it's okay. - Martin also got up and hugged you, which you didn't expect. You hugged him back.

-It was important to me, Martin. On one of those papers was a poem I wrote for a dead family member. - you admitted, and it hurt you since that poem was a mix of all of the emotions you went through when you lost him.

-Oh, I'm so sorry. - he sounded genuine. -What was his name?

-Max. - you said with tears in your eyes. - His death was a shock to my whole family, really. I still can't get over it.

-I'm sure it was really hard for all of you. But you need to be strong.

-Okay. - you felt cold as he removed his hands from around your body. The wind was getting stronger and the air was getting colder. You started shaking.

-Are you cold? - he noticed, taking off his Nike hoodie.

-Oh, you don't have to-

-It's okay, take it. I don't feel so cold. - he assured you.

-Thank you. - you hesitantly took it and put it on. It was a bit oversized but it could do. Plus, it smelled great, too.

-Wanna get out of here? My car is near.

-I don't know if I can trust you, you know. - you teased.

-I promise you nothing will happen to you. I'm just being polite.

-Wanna grab some tea? Or coffee? - you proposed.


-I don't know, anywhere.

-Starbucks then? It's on me.

-No way you're paying, I invited you.

You did argue a bit in the car about who was going to pay, but eventually you agreed on splitting the bill.

Since it was too crowded in the cafe, you decided to walk a bit, it was less cold downtown, probably because it wasn't high and it was more crowded and busy. While you were walking towards your place, you talked a bit more.

-What's your full name? - he asked you.

-You first.

-My real name is Martijn Garritsen.

-What do you need a fake name for?

-It's easier to pronounce. - god, does she really don't know who I am?

-Oh, makes sense. - you nodded understandingly. - My full name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N).

-(Y/N) (Y/L/N). - you had no idea why he always repeated your name. - I like it.


-This is where I live. - you stood in front of an apartment block. - Thanks for walking me.

-No problem. Hey, do you think I could get your number or something?

-Sure. - you exchanged numbers, hugged and he walked away.

The next morning you received a white envelope with the poem you wrote for the family member with a message scribbled underneath with a pencil.

"I really like it, it's emotional. But... I didn't know Max was a cat. o.O I never cried so much over a cat. Anyways... date tomorrow night? (;


You laughed at the cute little message. Of course you wanted to see him again.

-Hey, in my defense, it was a old cat we all loved. - you texted him. - Of course, pick me up at eight. (:

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