Celebrity Crushes.

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Martijn is everything to you and you currently can't imagine being with anybody else but him. Your mutual love and respect for each other brought you to the point where many, many couples (even those who have been together longer than Martijn and you) envy you and look up to you two and your romance. You were never one of those cheesy couples, but you still look adorable together, and when you are apart everybody can see you are missing each other without any of you saying a word.

But, of course, there are many handsome and charming men in the world other than Martijn, and since you are a huge fangirl, once upon a time you had a small crush on (your celebrity crush name). Sometimes you talked about him with your friends, you watched every movie he starred in and listened to all of his songs. You maybe downloaded all of the albums. You had a few pictures on your phone, but nothing too serious. Okay, maybe the crush wasn't that small, but you would never think of leaving Martijn for that person, even though you loved him and his works for a long time. You just love Martijn more. But nonetheless, even though you always reassured Martijn nothing can possibly happen between you and (Y/C/C/N), he couldn't help but feel slightly jealous. He didn't like the idea of you watching his movies or listening to his soothing voice through your headphones. He hated the fact that you had pictures of him on your phone although there were just three or four of them, while you had countless pictures with Martijn and your group. But you found it cute, the way he slightly clenched his jaw whenever you teased him by talking amazing things about (Y/C/C/N), or how his cheeks turn red whenever you try to compare the two of them, although they are incomparable. You could see the jealousy behind his eyes that would turn slightly grey whenever he's nervous or moody. Martijn never told you anything specifically, but you could see the slight changes in his mood. He just wants you all to yourself, but can you blame him? We all have our insecurities.

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