- Club Drama -

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A regular Saturday night out with your boyfriend and your crew. You were getting ready with Julian's girlfriend Sarah and Jose from Martin's team. You wore a black jumpsuit and some not-so-high heels so you could dance without getting unbearable pain in your legs, but still you looked amazing. You wore light makeup, just some concealer, mascara, light eyeshadow and nude lipstick, nothing much. Martijn, Julian, Watse and Anton were waiting in the living room of Martijn and yours apartment while you girls were upstairs in the bedroom. Sarah wore a simple red dress and heels that looked amazing on her while Jose wore white trousers and a black crop top with black heels. 

After all three of you were finished, you went downstairs

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After all three of you were finished, you went downstairs. All of the boys' eyes widened, especially Martijn's. He loved it when you wore jumpsuits because they complemented your body perfectly. He approached you and whispered into your ear: - You look beautiful, as always. 

You blushed at his words and muttered a quick thank you before you exited the apartment together with the whole squad. In a matter of minutes you were at the already full club. You quickly went to the VIP section and took the table Watse reserved for all of you. Not even a moment later, Sarah pulled you towards the bar and after you took two shots you went to the dancefloor. You were moving to the sick beats coming through the large speakers, your favorite EDM music playing. You both laughed at the other's silly dance moves and twirled around each other. You could feel many people (especially boys') eyes on you, but you decided to ignore them and keep dancing. Soon Selena Gomez's "Slow Down" started playing and you went crazy because you absolutely loved that song, hence you decided to go and get Martijn to dance with you, but he was too busy typing something on his phone.

-Martijn, come on, the music's great. - you tried to talk loudly over the loud music. - You're not gonna sit here all night. 

-Mhm. - he just murmured something and went back to his typing. 

This frustrated you because this wasn't the only time he had done that, it happened numerous times. He just spent a lot of time on his phone and never had time to relax and spend quality time with friends. Every dinner, every night out, every walk he would be on his phone and that got you so angry. 

-Okay, if you're not gonna dance, I'm dancing by myself. Don't talk to me until the end of the night. - you got up and as you got to the dancefloor, another Selena hit started - "Me & The Rhythm". Perfect. 

You started slowly dancing, touching part by part of your body then put your hands in your hair. You moved gracefully but sexy at the same time. You were moving your hips to the beat which made every guy surrounding you, single or not drool over you. After the song finished you went to the bar and ordered a Jack Daniels while your eyes searched around for Sarah and Jose. Soon you spotted them on the other side of the dancefloor, dancing and enjoying the night. 

-Hello, gorgeous. - you heard an unfamiliar voice behind you. As you turned around, you were met with a pair of dark brown eyes and a relatively good-looking face of a man, probably around his mid-twenties. - I saw you dancing down there, you're good. 

-Thanks. - you politely smiled, but as you started leaving, his hand pulled you back. 

-Where are you going? I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. - he didn't seem like a bad guy, but you didn't want to get involved with anyone right now. - Can I at least buy you a drink?

-No, thank you. Look, I should get going-

-But we just met. Are you single?

Just as you were about to answer him, you felt two strong arms around your waist. 

-As a matter of fact, she isn't. - it was Martijn, looking annoyed as ever. 

-Sorry bro, I had no idea she's your girl. - the guy started backing away. 

-Did he bother you, babe? - Martijn asked you with concern in his eyes, but you were still angry.  

-Not like you care anyway. - you tried getting out of his grip, but he pulled you even harder. 

-What the fuck is your problem, (Y/N)?! - he yelled angrily. 

-Fuck off, Martijn, you barely looked at me, you were staring at your phone for almost an hour and a half. - you probably looked like lunatics, fighting at a club, but you didn't care at that moment. - Go and talk to someone probably more important than all of us. 

You left him standing there with his mouth agape and anger even more evident on his now red face. You walked away towards Jose and Sarah who immediately noticed something was wrong. 

-Honey, what happened? - Jose asked, hugging you. 

-Martijn and I had a fight. I left him standing by the bar. 

-What were you fighting about? - Sarah asked curiously. 

-He is ignoring all of us whenever we go out, he is always on his damn phone!

-(Y/N), he is probably checking his tour dates. - Jose said. - Even though it's not an excuse, it's his night out. 

-That's what I said! He is unbelievable. 

-Maybe me and Watse can talk to him. 

-You'd do that?

-Of course. Come on, let's go home, we're all already tired. - Jose pulled you gently by the hand and led you to the VIP section, to get the others. You noticed Julian and Watse were comforting a red-eyed Martijn, which meant he was crying. You absolutely hated seeing him cry and you wanted to hug him, but you were stuck at one place, unable to move. 

You got into the Uber which dropped you and Martijn in front of your apartment in Amsterdam. You got out first, not bothering to wait for Martijn. Now he knew what was it like being ignored. 

You heard his fast footsteps behind you and you silently cursed for wearing heels, even though they weren't high. You never liked heels. As you entered the building, you waited for the elevater with your back turned towards Martijn. 

-I'm sorry, babe. I really am. - he quietly said . 

-For what?


You scoffed and rolled your eyes. - I want a real apology, Martijn. 

-Okay. I'm sorry for not spending more time with you. I'm sorry for being on the damn phone 24/7. I'm sorry for sometimes putting my fans before myself, but that's just what I'm like. 

-I know you want to be grateful to them, and you are, but it's your night off, you should enjoy it. What is happening, we had fun when we went out before? But now it's just you and work. You're going crazy, Martijn, and you're pulling me with you. 

He hugged you firmly, not giving you a chance to slip away. - I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, you're absolutely right. That's why we're going on a vacation in Bali, just the two of us. - he finally smiled. 

-Are you serious? - you were caught by surprise. 

-I'm calling the airport to check in our flight. Okay?

-Okay. But if this happens again-

-I promise it won't. You have my full attention from now on. 

-Okay. - you kissed him passionately. - I'm so tired. 

-Me too. We should probably cuddle tonight. 

-You always want to cuddle, Martijn. - you said, entering the painfully slow elevator. 

-Luckily I have the perfect one to cuddle with. 

-True, Garritsen. True. 

-By the way, I saw you dancing down there... wow. - his eyes shone.

-Don't even think about it after tonight.

-Nah, cuddles are fine. For now. - he winked at you.

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