- Jealous -

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It was a late Saturday night and Martijn was stuck at his home studio, working on some new tracks for the upcoming Miami Ultra he was performing at. Well, he was trying to work, but he was too busy worrying about where you were and why you were out with some old friend he didn't like at all.

It was already eleven o'clock and he still hadn't heard the sound of your heels clicking on the floor. He was getting more annoyed every minute, and even though he didn't want to admit it, jealousy struck him hard. Finally, after ten more minutes he gave up on the work for the night and headed towards the bedroom you shared, since he was very tired. Just at the right moment, you entered the penthouse with a huge grin on your face and a shine in your eyes.

You were drinking.

- (Y/N)? - Martijn called from your bedroom.
-I'm home! - you yelled from the living room.

You could hear his heavy footsteps coming downstairs and you immediately knew he wasn't so happy, since he was skeptic about this meeting even before you went out. He asked you if you were sure for about one hundred times and even faked feeling ill just so you could stay in with him.

-Where were you until now, (Y/N)? I was worried sick! It's eleven o'clock! - you could hear slight panic in his voice.

-Sorry, we had a lot to catch up on. Hey, did you know Ewan started his own company? That's so awesome, I'm so happy for him!

A pang of jealousy hit him again. - I have my own record house, you know? - he was acting a bit childish when he was jealous.


-Were you drinking? - he was getting even more annoyed. - Did that asshole try to get you drunk?

-Marty, I had a couple of glasses of wine, it's nothing serious. I'm fine. - you reassured him.

-I fucking can't believe it... Did he hit on you?

-Martijn, no, he was just being friendly! - you defended both you and Ewan. - Why are you being so damn dramatic, I've known him since primary school!

-You know what? I'm tired, I'm going to bed and until you sober up and actually think about what you're saying don't try and talk to me. - he stomped upstairs which made you roll your eyes at his childish behavior.

After showering and taking a deep breath you entered the bedroom only to see Martijn scrolling through something on his phone.

-I thought you said you were tired and going to sleep. - you snuggled up next to him.

A moment of silence passed before he finally spoke.

-Am I not good enough?

This question really took you by surprise. I mean, really.

-What?! Martijn, what's going on?
-Do you like someone else? Because if you do, I understand. I know I'm away too much and sometimes I can be a little hard on you and all of the people I love and-

-Martijn, where is this coming from? No, I love you.

-Because... I saw your smile when you read that text from him two days ago. I can hear the slight change in your voice when you speak to him. He is there for you and sometimes physically I'm not and I know that exhausts you, it exhausts me too. But it's my job and I love it and-

-Martijn, listen to me now very carefully. I don't love him in the way I love you. I admit, there are boys in this world who are insanely attractive and cute, but then I remember you're home waiting for me and I know I don't want to wake up to see anybody else's face but yours. I don't need anybody else when I got you. I don't want them, I fell in love with you, whether you're here or a thousand miles apart, I don't give a shit. Okay? The change in my voice... that's because I was excited to hear about his upcoming wedding he was mentioning over the phone. We're having a double date next Saturday with him and his fiancé.

A pang of guilt replaced the jealousy and hurt from before. Fiancé?

-But I could see the way he was looking at you before.

-He can look all he wants. My heart is with you. Okay?

-I love you. You know that, right? And I'm sorry for being overprotective.

-Meh, I guess I'll forgive you. - you giggled. - But only because you're so damn adorable when you're jealous.

-I'm so not jealous! - he protested.

-Yeah, yeah... acta non verba, Garrix.

You snuggled closer to him and fell asleep in his arms.

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