- Gezelligheid -

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Gezelligheid is a Dutch word which, depending on context, can be translated as convivial, cozy, fun, or nice atmosphere, but can also show someone belonging, time spent with loved ones, the fact of seeing a friend after a long absence, or the general togetherness that gives people a warm feeling.

In your sleeplessness you were drunk on silence. For hours it had seeped into your pores, dowsing your mind in its thick toxicity. The usefulness of your thoughts had left long ago, leaving those fatigued neurones to fire almost randomly- flailing without direction. You wanted so much to not to think at all, to be absorbed into the darkness that the night promised you hours ago. You wanted to be waking refreshed to streaming white daylight, unaware of the hours between then and now. Eleven o'clock morphed into twelve and then one. The time trickled by, marked only by those changing glowing numerals. Your mind was blank; where there should've been dreams was a heavy blackness. Your eyes were as stationary as the silhouette of your bedside lamp, which was where they rested for a while. Your mind flickered to the cupboard and the sleeping pills the doctor prescribed. You didn't want them, you didn't want chemicals. 

The blackness blankets your still form. You lied as if asleep until your side was painful and you had to shift to your back or other side. The long minutes dragged into even longer hours but you refused to look at the clock again. Instead, you gave up sleep and carefully raised your body up so you wouldn't wake the sleeping silhouette beside you. 

Lucky him, you thought. 

Martijn fell asleep as soon as his head touched the soft pillow on the king sized bed you shared. His gentle snores were the only thing making the awful silence more bearable. 

After giving up the idea of sleeping, you slowly got up, put your robe on and tied the string around your waist and headed to the kitchen to make yourself some coffee. It was five in the morning and even the birds were quiet. There wasn't a car on the lane within a three mile radius and the only thing you could hear was rustling of leaves on the wind. You drank in the silence through every pore, left without any other choice. In a matter of minutes, you were holding your cup of hot coffee with both hands, trying to warm up your cold fingers. Autumn was creeping up slowly, bringing coldness and gloominess. You walked up to the window of your house Martijn and you moved a few months ago. It was a relatively small house with only 6 rooms, on the outskirts of Amsterdam. You gave up living in the busy city, always loud and crowded, but instead you decided you should try and live a bit more peaceful life where fans wouldn't knock on your door every hour to ask for an autograph or picture, like it happened in your old apartment. 

The city below seemed so far away it was like another world, those ant-like people and all their problems were so small. You have been waiting for the morning for so long that you barely believed your eyes when the sharp shadows cast by the street-lamps through your metallic blinds started to fade, diluted by the onset of daylight. After a long, cold night the daybreak brought glimmers of warmth. The golden light softly caressed the land and ignited the birds into a chorus of melodies. Rays of brightness cast squared onto the glossy stone floor, reflecting onto several objects in the room which decorated its otherwise simplicity. You blinked a few times, in an attempt to help your eyes adjust to the illumination directed right at your slouched figure.

Two arms wrapping around your waist suddenly made you wince, since you didn't expect Martijn to be up so early. He kissed your back gently, then leaned his head onto your shoulder, still half-asleep. 

-What are you doing up? - his voice came out hoarse. 

-I couldn't sleep. - you took a sip of your bitter black coffee. - Why are you up?

-I turned around at one moment so I could hug you, but instead all I felt was a slightly warm, empty bed. - he admitted. - I thought you had left somewhere. 

-Where would I go, silly? 

-I don't know. - he said, with a hint of sadness in his tone. - I just don't want you to go. 

-I'm not going anywhere, I promise. - you turned around and hugged him tightly, careful not to spill your coffee all over him. - You know, I feel so warm in your arms. And so safe. 

-Like home. - he continued. - Now you know how I feel whenever you hug me. 

-And the atmosphere, the air in the room... like it's suddenly easier to breathe. 

He nodded understandingly. - I love you. 

-I love you too. - you kissed while the sun shone directly at you, illuminating every part of your bodies. 

After he broke the kiss, he led you towards the couch and you both slumped onto it, him holding you close. - Is everything okay?

-Yeah, why?

-I'm just worried about your insomnia. - you saw genuine concern in his eyes. 

-Everything's okay. Trust me. - you assured him. 

You leaned onto him and he held you really close, as if you were going to disappear again. He ran his hand up and down your back and arm the whole time until you felt drowsiness and sleep taking over your body.  

-Sleep, liefde. I'm here. - his words made your heartbeat slow down and in no time you were in the land of dreams. Who knew all you needed for some sleep was a hug and gentle words from your boyfriend?


I love this imagine! Finally!

Sorry for not updating for a while, I was kind of busy, next week I'm so full of work so I have no idea if I will be able to update. Yikes!

Anyway, hope you enjoyed! 


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