- Just Before Goodbye II -

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Part two. Part three coming soon. Hope you enjoy! xo


"Stoned On You" is a song about being totally infatuated with someone, to the extent that it's really an intoxicating experience." - Jaymes Young

Previous year... 

Even after a few days had passed, you still couldn't stop thinking about the green-eyed boy from the gig. You had spent hours searching for him on every social media you had: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, even Snapchat, but nothing. You cursed the world for having so many Martijns with so many different last names. At one moment, you even thought he had lied about his name just so he could get rid of you faster, but then again he couldn't be that sick, could he?

With a sigh and a loud banging sound your head had created as it hit the table, you gave up the search and grabbed your coat so you could go out and clear your mind. Small snowflakes were falling from the grey sky and tangling into your curls, then almost immediately melted, making the unprotected ends of your hair slightly damp. The streets were mostly empty, after all, it was Thursday, a working day for the majority of the residents of your city. It wasn't as cold as you expected it to be, but you still weren't happy that the winter had arrived and you had two and a half more months to weep about the snow and cold temperatures. You found yourself in the city center again and an idea popped into your mind. Soon you found yourself in front of the bar you knew so well. The slight temperature change made your skin shiver underneath your warm, oversized coat. Your boots clicked on the hardwood floor, making the few people turn around, but soon dismiss it and continue their actions. Luckily, your favorite bartender was working the early shift so you could just sit by the bar and talk to him, as always.

-Hello, my favorite barista in the world. - you smiled at him.

-Well hello, my favorite customer in the world. - he smiled back, polishing a glass in his hand. - The usual?

-Yeah, thank you. - you nervously tapped your fingers on the counter and looked around for a familiar face, but unfortunately you got disappointed when you realized you were surrounded by complete strangers. Even though he was nothing more himself.

-Here's your drink. - the barista was back with your coffee.

-Thank you. - you were pondering whether or not to ask him if he knew the brunette boy you were obsessing about. -Hey, Otto, can you help me with something?

-Of course, geachte, ask away.

-I'm kind of intrigued by somebody I had just met a few nights ago here, at the gig at Friday night, but I need to know something about him.

-Who? Do you have a picture?

-Unfortunately, no. - you shook your head. - I'm desperate, and I have never seen him here before.

-Do you know his name?

-He told me his name is Martijn, but I don't know if it's his real name. Brown hair, a little bit messy, green eyes and tanned skin. I also remember that his cheeks are kind of red, probably a reaction to the weather. - you described him as you remembered him.

Otto shook his head after trying to think if he had a close encounter with a person that matched your description. -Hm, no. I don't remember anyone like that. Was he on my shift?

-No, it was a night shift. - you sighed. - Anyway, thank you. - you reached for your wallet but you were stopped by the bell ringing above the door, notifying you someone had entered the bar.

-Hey. - Otto whispered. - Is that the guy? - he pointed towards the door with his eyes.

You slowly turned around, trying to be as lowkey as you could but failed as your eyes met his. Your heart skipped a beat and your hands trembled, but you turned back around again as if nothing had happened. - Yeah. - you whispered back.

-He's bad news, kiddo. - he warned you. - I know him, I just remembered. He's some kind of an artist, but comes here rarely. - he whispered so nobody could hear your conversation.

-Is his name really Martijn? - you asked excitedly.

-I think so. Just a second, I gotta serve them. - he walked away towards his table Martijn was sitting at. He came with a friend, a pretty handsome one for your taste.

He was busy for a while, so you left the money on the counter and started gathering your things, but as Otto returned, he had stopped you from leaving.

-He sent you this. - he slipped you a piece of paper in the bag while passing by.

-Who? Martijn? - you almost couldn't believe it.

-Just read it! - he nervously rushed you as he returned on the other side of the bar.

-Okay, okay... - you pulled the thin piece of white paper and read the content.

"You still owe me for that vodka. Are you stalking me by the way?

-Martijn. "

-What does he say? - he asked excitedly.

-He's asking me if I'm stalking him. - you rolled your eyes. - Okay, I'm definitely not leaving this on... well, this. - you pointed at the message scribbled in a messy handwriting.

For the second time you approached him first. Technically.

-I didn't ask for you to pay for me. - you returned him the paper, almost throwing it at his face. Now it was your time to be mean, even though you were burning inside to know more about this green-eyed mystery.

He smirked. Why is he smirking?! - I know you didn't. But I wanted to.

-Yeah, and then you treated me like shit, ignoring me and stuff. - you reminded him. - I'm not stupid, Martijn, I've got some pride, too.

-I'm sure you do. - he sneered, only to provoke you.

-Martijn! Don't be rude. - his friend warned him. - I'm Julian. - he offered you a handshake which you hesitantly accepted. - Would you like to join us?

He definitely seemed nicer than Martijn.

-No, thank you, I was just about to leave.

-Oh come on, I'm sorry, okay? - Martijn pleaded. - I was an asshole that night but I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I had a rough day, okay? So would you please just join us for another cup of coffee?

-Okay. - you sighed for a millionth time that week. - But only one.

-See? I'm starting to like you now. - he winked at you which made your cheeks blush again.

That was the story about how you met the man who broke your heart.

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