- Ocean Eyes -

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  "...I've never fallen from quite this high

Falling into your ocean eyes ..." 

His last relationship really messed him up. After all, it did last for a while. She seemed so perfect, everything seemed so perfect, so surreal. Admittedly, it started off pretty fast and they moved even faster, that it made everyone skeptic. Everyone but him. He believed in love, maybe he inherited it from his mother who always taught him women were heavenly creatures men put trust in. He was such an old, romantic soul and everyone knew that. His friends and family tried to protect him from fake relationships and girls who only came into his life because of the name and the money, but he always seemed to believe the liars more, since his heart believed in love more than his mind believed in viciousness. So now he was alone, not wanting to let anyone into his life in fear that even the next relationship would end the same: in tears and tragedy. The last girl left him after she got what she wanted, the name on the covers of magazines and newspaper, the money and the access to many clubs by using his name. What a cruel world.

You believed in love with every pore of your body and every beat of your heart. You never wanted to hurt anyone you cared about, you just weren't like that. You always seemed to forgive the people you loved, even though you were well aware they would soon leave and hurt you. Who could blame them? They knew you would forgive them soon in your own way and not hold a grudge. But nevertheless, not even after all those kicks and hits love gave you, you were still open for the solution to meet someone and find the person you would spend the rest of your life with. And you had your eyes on someone. 

You were laying on your bed, still unable to open your eyes even though you knew it was time for breakfast and a morning walk. The Autumn day was unusually warm and sunny, perfect for a day out, only if you could've opened those beautiful eyes. Suddenly, not even a minute later, the doors of your bedroom creaked and somebody jumped onto your bed, making you scream in fear. You almost fell of your bed, but was soon caught by your best friend. 

-Heyo. - he greeted you then helped you sit on the bed. - You still haven't got up?

-Martijn, what the fuck?! - you scolded him. - Don't do that to me! 

-Sorry. I thought you were awake, it's almost ten and it's a beautiful day. 

-How did you get in the house anyway?

-I still got your spare keys, remember? - he grinned innocently. 

-Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. 

-Anyway... I'm going to make us some coffee and breakfast and then we can go out. Okay?

-You're so sweet. - you kissed his cheek. -Don't burn my house down. 

-I'll try my best. - he winked and ran downstairs to make you something to eat. 

After the delicious meal he prepared and the warm coffee, you kissed his cheek once again in gratefulness then got ready for your walk. 


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