- STMPD vs. SPINNIN' Records IV -

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Martijn's flashback:

He entered the bedroom you two shared for a while to find out if it was really true, if you had really considered teaming up with van Kooten or if it was just a mistake. He was hoping van Kooten only mixed you up with somebody else and that you actually signed the STMPD papers, but you were only teasing him. He found the contract of his label on top, but as he raised the papers, underneath them, in big bold letters was written his biggest nightmare: "SPINNIN' RECORDS THREE YEAR CONTRACT". He picked up those sheets as well and decided to make it easier for you. He ripped up the STMPD contract and signed the other one on your name, since you had similar handwriting. He wanted you to feel guilty.


-Martijn, I can explain. - you tried to talk to him, but it was no use.

-How?! How can you explain the fact that my girlfriend wants to work with somebody else other than me? - he tried not to yell, but failed. - I'm not being dramatic or jealous but it makes no fucking sense at all! Why, you think I'm going to use you for something? You think I'm going to take your money?

-No, you know I don't think that way of you. - you defended yourself. - Martijn, for fuck's sake, we've been together for years! We created tracks together!

-Exactly, you even have tracks with me that you want to sell to Spinnin'. I'm not going to allow this, you can give them everything except the tracks I'm on.

-I wasn't even going to. I wasn't planning on giving them anything!

-Well now you have to, because that's exactly what they want from you! You won't have any rights over your music ever again. Is that what you want? - he ran a hand through his head, like he did every time he was frustrated. - Jeez, (Y/N), what do you why think I sued them? Why I made my own label as soon as possible?

You knew he was right. - I know. I'm sorry, I don't know what was I thinking. I was scared you would kick me out if we break up.

-Kick you out? - he was shocked.

-Of the label. - you continued. - I know couples who work together often break up and I don't want that. I never thought you would take my rights, you're not an idiot.

He felt a bit guilty as well. His gaze softened. - Even if we break up... I'm not going to kick you out. Whether we're together or not doesn't change the fact you're an amazing producer. And... it's quite normal that big labels fight over you since your music style is so damn special, so I kind of get it. - he was now speaking normally again, just like nothing happened. - I'm sorry.

-I'm sorry too. Tear up the Spinnin' contract, I want nothing to do with them. - you two finally hugged.

-You don't have to do that. - he said while caressing your hair gently.

-But I want to. I'm absolutely sure. In fact, I'm going to call van Kooten right away to tell him I'm refusing the offer.

-And just so you know... I overreacted because I know not having an artist like you in my team would be the biggest failure in my career. - he admitted.

-Thank you, liefde.


You were typing something on your laptop in the living room when a piece of paper appeared in front of you.

-What's this? - you asked your boyfriend that gave it to you.

-I'm not going to pressure you, but... if you want to, the place is still open for you. Your choice.

It was a new STMPD contract.

-Oh Martijn... thank you. - you smiled.

-This time I won't freak out if you say no, though.

You both giggled. - It would be an honor to sign with you.

You grabbed a pen then signed a few more sheets, Martijn sealed it and neatly folded the papers into a fascicle with a big smile on his face.

-Welcome to the family, (Y/N).

-Thank you, Mr. Garrix. I'm looking forward to working with you.

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