- Bright Lights, Big City -

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"The view was always so mesmerizing from up here. The wind gently blows into my face and makes my silky hair tangle up and fly around. I'm holding this pen and paper, because I do not own a camera to capture this very moment. Even though they say a picture is worth a thousand words, I prefer writing. It's more eternal, more meaningful. It's almost sunset, the most beautiful part of the day, when the sky is golden just before it gets filled with other beautiful colors, like blue, purple, orange and pink. The world is truly a wonderful place. Soon, it will get dark and the street lights, car lights and lights in the huge Los Angeles mansions will illuminate the city and the magic will start; the famous City of Angels will shine like a diamond. I'm sitting here in the grass, upon the Hills, waiting for the lightshow to start. I am writing and occasionally staring at the sky, oh how it's wonderful. I am so lucky to be alive now."

You stopped writing and closed the notebook in your lap. You loved putting your thoughts into words on paper, it somehow made you feel more important, eternal, even though you never let anyone read it. It was something private, something that was only yours, although you knew you shared similar thoughts with millions of other people, which made you think of how small the world really is. Surprisingly, you were alone up there, which didn't happen often, since it was such a popular place, not only for visitors but locals as well. You could see the whole city from up there and it fascinated you. You had recently moved to California, you ran away from the small city you lived in with your parents. You got bored of the same streets, dead and nosey people and absolutely no new happenings. You were young and you needed to live life, you needed to taste freedom, but life at that place didn't allow you to. Plus, your parents were pretty conservative people, they didn't believe in freedom or living a wild life, they were rather people who lived peaceful lives, away from the eyes of others. And now you were there, and you couldn't believe you came such a long way. Nobody believed you would be capable to live in such a big, expensive and popular city, a metropolitan, but you proved them wrong, and you were proud of yourself. Proud of the person you became. It was somewhat quiet, only the wind whistling and leaves crunching under your weight and movements could be heard. Until, you heard something from behind you. You were startled since you thought you were alone, but as you caught sight of a male figure you partially calmed down.

-Calm down, it's okay. - he had a gentle voice. - It's so amazing up here, don't you think? - he stood a bit further from you, but close enough that you could hear each other without having to yell.

-Yeah, it really is. - you shyly answered.

He diverted his gaze from the city towards you. And smiled with the most beautiful smile you've ever seen on a man. - My name is Martin.

-I'm (Y/N). - you smiled back.

-(Y/N)... What a beautiful name. - you liked the way your name sounded when it rolled of his tongue with ease.

-Thank you. - you were never shy when people complimented you, but this time you could feel your cheeks burning with embarrassment.

-Don't mean to sound like a creep, but... what are you doing here all alone? It's dangerous, especially at night. - you noticed he had an unusual accent, but you were too shy to ask him about it.

-Nah, don't worry. I'm used to it. Been coming here for a while, it relaxes me. Especially in the early morning when I can't sleep.

-Oh, cool. So you're from 'round here somewhere?

-Yeah, I've been living in LA since a few months ago. - you proudly said. - What about you?

-Oh no, I'm just visiting. I just love coming to this city, it's so full of life. I have been visiting since I was nineteen and I still never got bored of it. - he looked down at you again. - Mind if I sit here? - he pointed at the spot next to you.

-Um, I guess not. - you made some space for him to sit. - Where are you originally from?

-Netherlands. - you could see he was proud too when it came to his country. - I was born in Amstelveen, it's twenty minutes away from the center of Amsterdam, where I live now.

-Lucky you. I've always wanted to visit Amsterdam.

-Well, if you ever do, call me, I'd be happy to be your tour guide. - he seemed so polite and genuine that it surprised you. You never had the chance to meet such nice people since you moved.

-I will, thank you.

-So, (Y/N)... What do you do for a living?

-I am... a waitress for now. In a local restaurant. But I would like to become a writer, since I love writing. It's been a passion since a very young age.

-Is that where you write it all down? - he pointed at your notebook.

-Some of it, yes. It's more of a journal I've been writing since I came here.

-Mind if I read some of it? - you didn't feel comfortable with anyone reading it, especially strangers, but at the same time, what were the odds you would ever see him again? He must've noticed your uncertainty so he quickly apologized for his nosy behavior. - If you feel uncomfortable, you don't have to, I'm sorry-

You handed him the notebook. - It's okay. I might need some opinions and advice.

-Are you sure? - he held it so gently and carefully, as if a stronger grip would disperse all of the contents onto the grass and make them disappear.

You nodded in approval.

After a few minutes he closed the notebook with a smile on his face. He was content. - I like this. You are a good writer.

-You really mean it? Or are you just saying that to be polite?

-I mean it. - he giggled. - Why don't you publish it?

-I clearly doubt anyone would read it. - you giggled back, but mostly out of nervousness.

-I would read it. - his words made you stop with whatever you were doing  stare back at him in amazement.

-Why are you so nice to me?

-Because you deserve it. - he smiled, then glanced at his watch. - It's starting soon. - just as he had said it, both of your heads turned forward and you stared in awe at the sight in front of you. Bright lights, big city.


I'm making a part two! Yaaay! I'm naming it "City of Angels". Hope you liked part one and stay tuned for the second one. Have a nice day! (:


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