- Soulmate -

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"I wish we were born with tattoos identical to our soulmate's, so when we meet we can see who our love belongs to. And maybe, just maybe, one day, when we accidentally bump in the streets, we know we don't have to look any further. The right one is right there. With our heart inked onto their skin." - Dakota Black

-No, no, no and.. how do I say this? NO! - the young man refused the offer his friends made. 

-Oh come on, it can be anything! - the other boys assured him. - We let you choose whatever you want. 

-Mam will kill me! Papa won't even talk to me after it. - he was persistent. - I really can't do this.

-Oh Martijn, it's a challenge, come on! - Menno, his friend since childhood tried to convince him. - You know these guys won't leave you alone if you don't do it. - he pointed at their group of friends. 

Martijn sighed defeatedly. - I don't know... I don't even have an idea of what to do. - he slumped on the couch in his living room where all of his friends were chilling with him.

-Anything you want, really. It's up to you. - Giaro said. 

-It will be fun, I promise. - Michael added. 

-How do you know, you don't even have a tattoo?! - Martijn raised an eyebrow. 

-But I do. - Aubrey stated. - It won't hurt a bit, take my word.

-I am so going to regret this. 


-You go in first. - he pushed his friend Aubrey towards the entrance of the tattoo parlor. 

-No, you're the one who's getting inked. - Aubrey refused. - You should go in first. 

-Aubrey, please. - he begged. - I don't know what to do or where to go... 

-Ugh, we'll go, just shut up. - Giaro and Menno entered the big parlor with Martijn and Aubrey trailing behind. 

Even though he didn't want to admit it, his whole body was shaking. 

-We'll go sort everything out, you just have to sit down and wait for your artist to come. Okay? - Aubrey instructed him. - You still up for that quote?


-You sure?

-Why? Is it a bad idea? - he nervously asked. 

-No, it's a great idea. - Aubrey smiled. - I just want you to be absolutely sure. 

-I'm not even sure of what I'm doing here anyway... 

-It's gonna be okay, M. Trust me. - he ruffled the young man's hair. - You're officially 21, so you can do whatever you want with your body without any regrets. A tattoo will look great on you. 

-You think? - a small bit of hope was poured into his guts. Everything will be just fine. 

He sat on the oddly comfortable metal chair in the half- empty waiting room and nervously tapped his leg on the floor to ease his mind. 

-Garritsen! You're up! - he heard his friends calling him towards the hidden part of the room. 

As if he had forgotten his own name and needed reassurance it was really him they were calling, he pointed a finger at himself while his friends rolled their eyes jokingly. 

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