- Ten Tulips -

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Martijn was in his hometown Amsterdam, doing a few shows and giving many interviews while you were in a different city, studying for your final exams. Martijn begged you to come visit him but you couldn't risk the chance of not getting that degree so you promised him you'd come next time that summer. He was disappointed, but at the same time proud at your hard work and concentration.

Friday, 21:21

You just couldn't concentrate on the content of the book in front of you. History of art - a very easy subject but full of dates and details you just couldn't remember. You always loved art, it was something you were genuinely interested in, but you were just too tired to study that evening. Pictures of Martijn and you just popped into your mind, which meant you were missing him just a bit too much. You sometimes hated the fact you lived in two different countries, you were in (Y/C/N) and he was in the capital of The Netherlands. Even though you both often visited one another, it just wasn't the same as having someone there 24/7.

You went downstairs into the kitchen and decided to prepare yourself a cup of chamomille tea which could make you calm down since you were stressing lately and you finally gave up on studying for that night. You decided you would continue tomorrow after you get some sleep. While your water was boiling in the electric kettle, your phone buzzed, alarming you that someone was calling. The name on the screen made your heart skip a beat and your lips form a huge smile. It was him.

-Martijn! How are you?

-Hey, beautiful. I'm fine, I'm a bit tired, one of my shows just finished but I'm good. - even through the phone you knew he was smiling. - You? What are you doing?

-Stressing about school. - you sighed. - I'm making myself some tea, then I'm heading off to bed.

-Oh, well, don't stress and don't overthink with that beautiful head of yours, just rest, you know you're going to nail those exams. - he could always make you feel better. - Anyway, I know it's late but a small package should be sent to you any minute now, so if somebody knocks, you'll know it's from me.

-What package? - you were confused. - Did I leave something at your place when I was visiting?

-No, I just saw something and thought of you. - just as he had said it, the sound of the doorbell ringing made you jump a bit. - Guess that's it. Go open up.

You quickly ran towards the door with excitement running through your veins, then opened it. There stood a man in his late thirties, holding a big bouquet of red tulips, your favorite flowers, and in the other hand a big box.

-A package for Miss (Y/L/N). - he smiled at you politely.

-That would be me. - you blushed and took the bouquet and box. After signing the delivery papers, you closed the door and grabbed your phone once again.

-Martijn, you shouldn't have! - you squealed. - It's amazing! Thank you so much.

-Have you opened the box already?

-No, I'm just opening it. - you tore the decorative paper off and opened the big Louis Vuitton box. - Martijn, it's LV! I can't take this, it's too expensive.

-Oh nonsense. Come on, nothing's too expensive for my girl. Do you like it?

When you searched for the content in the box, you found a beautiful dress you've always wanted to have. You teared up a bit. - It's amazing, I love it. Thank you, but I can't take it...

-Oh shut up, you're taking it. - he giggled. - How about the ten tulips? I remembered how you swooned over the tulips here in Amsterdam when you visited the last time.

-It's not my fault they're such pretty flowers. - you shrugged even though he couldn't see you. - But Martijn... there is only nine tulips. Someone stole one tulip. - you frowned.

-Oh, really? - he sounded more amused than surprised. - Weird, huh?

A short and quick knock on the door interrupted your conversation with your boyfriend. - Hold up, someone's at the door again. - when you opened the door, you almost dropped your phone on the floor.

-You mean this one? - he held one red tulip in his hand as he leaned on the doorframe with a smirk on his face.

-Martijn! - you jumped into his arms. - What are you doing here?

-I came to deliver you this one missing tulip. But if you don't want to see me-

-Oh shut up and get in here, I missed you.

-So... I believe I deserved some cuddles? - he raised an eyebrow playfully while he let your hand lead him towards the living room.

- Many, many cuddles.

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