Just a little note for all of my readers :)

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Four years ago I was only a thirteen year old child trying to find a way to pour her emotions on a piece of paper. I was a huge fangirl, crying over fictional characters, but real people as well, trying to explain how much I actually appreciated their work. Four years ago I started reading fanfiction work, and somewhere between April and May I discovered a page called Wattpad, the very page I am publishing books on right now. After finishing the first book I've read on this site, I believe it was a Mario Gotze book, I've decided I want to publish my own stories and live through the same emotions with my readers as other talented writers did with theirs. That's when my first book "Somewhere We Belong" came to life. I was so scared of the reactions I would get, I wanted people to like my works and enjoy as much as I enjoyed many, many books too. Luckily, I got to get so many extraordinary readers who helped me get where I am today. Even with my broken English, terrible grammar and sometimes silly and unrealistic plots, the people who read my stories made me feel as if I was creating works of art and not just some silly fanfiction books to fulfill mine and other people's teenage dreams. These are few of the beautiful comments that helped me (and still do) get through the day with a smile and helped me to never give up on the thing I love doing the most: writing. So thank you, so much, for all of the words you typed into the keyboard and posted under my story, because you truly are the reason I am still doing what I'm doing. Thank you for laughing, crying and getting angry together with me through all of my works. 

P.S. I wrote down some of the recent comments and put them in my own private notebook so they could always remind me not to give up. Sorry for the poor quality of the pictures. 

I love you all, with all my heart!

-Dakota ♥. 

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