Chapter 2

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"Dude if you stare any harder you're gonna burn a hole in her face." My friend Malik joked.

"I know but she's just so...beautiful." I said.

I've had a crush on Toni since freshman year but I know I have no chance she's one of the most popular girls here and she dating Keri Lewis who isn't a very nice guy. How does a wholesome girl like her end up with a guy like that?

"Come on let's get to class before Keri and his gang of assholes come bothering us again." He said and I shook my head at his use of profanity. I followed him and before we could even get halfway to class someone knocks my books out of my hands. I look up to see Keri.

"Hey nerd I need you to do my homework."

"Why can't you do it yourself?" Malik asked. One of Keri's friends picked Malik up by his collar and slammed him against the locker.

"Are you gonna do it or not?" Keri asked me loudly.

"Keri, I am a man of God. I don't believe in cheatin-" he cut me off by pushing me on the floor.

"I want it done by tomorrow morning or it's your ass." He said throwing the paper at me.

He's such a butt-face...forgive me lord.



"Girl here comes your dumbass boyfriend." Taraji said referring to Keri who was coming our way.

"Stop it." I chuckled. "JJ how do I look?"

"Amazing as always." She said as I smiled. I turned back around and was immediately met with a soft kiss on my lips.

"I missed you." Keri said pecking my lips again.

"I missed you too Ker-Bear."

"Hey Janet." He said.



"Dumbass." She shot back.

"Anyway Toni, Justin is having a party tonight. We should go and then we can go back to my place." He said kissing my neck.

"I can't. My dad is bringing his house guest tonight and I have to go somewhere later on. Maybe next time."

"Well good luck with that I'm late for class. I'll see you later." He said kissing my cheek before walking off. I cursed under my breath realizing we were late for class too.

"Ms. Braxton, Ms. Henson, and Ms. Jackson, you're all late." Our teacher said as we walked in.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Thomas, but my dad had an emergency at the church." I lied.

"Yeah they ran out of communion crackers and we had to go get more." Taraji added as the class snickered.

"Yeah right, don't let it happen again." She said as we took our seats.

Later that night...

"Okay girls our guest is almost here. I want you all to be nice. You got that Tamar?" Mommy asked as Traci, Trina, Towanda and I snickered.

"It's not me. Most of the time it's Toni." She said.

"No it's not!" I chuckled as my dad walked through the door.

"Hi daddy." We all say in unison.

"Hello my beauty queens. This is Kenny he's going to be staying with us for a month and a half. He knows the rules just like you all do so be nice...Tamar."

"Unbelievable." She said throwing herself on the couch.

"I'm Toni." I said shaking his hand.

"I know. We umm...go to school together. I sit behind you in English....and Math....and History..."

"Oh I think I remember you now."

"Well I'm Tamar and this is Towanda, Trina, and Traci." Tamar said.

"Nice to meet you all." He said shyly.

He's kinda cute under those bifocals. Maybe a little too nerdy for my taste but still cute.



Mr. Braxton showed me to my room and allowed me to get settled in. He has a nice family and their house is really nice and cozy.

The sound of a door closing brought me out of my thoughts. I peeped out of the door and saw Toni carefully closing her bedroom door. She looked funny in that trench coat. She carefully and quietly went downstairs.

Where could she be going at this hour? It's almost midnight. I shrugged it off as I took a shower and got in bed. I think I'm going to enjoy my stay here.

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