Chapter 4

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"Hey Ken." Toni said running up to me.

"Uh...Um hi. T-Toni." I stumbled.

"Why do you always seem so nervous?"

" kinda make me nervous."

Darn it! Why did I say that?!

"Whatever Babyface." She chuckled. "What?" I asked questioning whether I should be offended or not.

"Babyface. That's your new nickname. Well, that and Ken."


"Because you just have the cutest little face." She said pinching my cheek. "And I call you Ken because it's cooler than Kenny. It's sexy." She continued as she smiled.

"Okay Tone."

"I like that." She chuckled.

We walked into the school and Toni's friends came over to us. Malik came over too and we did our handshake. "Hey Kenny these are my friends Taraji and Janet."

"Hi" the girls said in unison.

"Hello. This is my friend Malik." I said pointing to Malik who was in a trance staring at them.

"Hey Malik." All three of the girls said and he just stared.

"Ooookay. Well we have to get to class so I guess we'll see you there." Toni said before they disappeared off into the crowd of other students.

"I think I'm in love." Malik said and I chuckled. "Do you think I can marry both Janet and Taraji?" He asked.



I was in class when a balled up piece of paper hit my notebook. I looked to see where it came from and I saw Keri waving at me. I rolled my eyes as I opened it.

Since you won't answer my calls or texts. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for lying.

I looked at him and wrote: Leave me alone, before throwing it back to him and flipping my hair.

After school Janet, Taraji, and I were standing by my car talking.
"Girl since it's the weekend we should go shopping tomorrow." Janet suggested.

"I'm cool with that but can it be later in the day? I already know I'm gonna have a long night. You know, with homework and stuff." I said.

"Yeah sure lets say...2:00?" Taraji said.


We said our goodbyes and I got in my car and drove home.



"Ok daddy I'm off to the library to study." Toni said coming downstairs.

"Ok honey, don't forget your curfew."

"I won't. Bye guys."

"Bye." we all said in unison.

I'm not trying to be nosy or anything, but the library is closed and she didn't even have her books or backpack with her. I'm really curious to know where she's really going.

My phone buzzed bringing me out of my thoughts.

Malik: I got the new Call of Duty and mom ordered pizza...wanna come over?

"Mr. Braxton Is it okay if I go to a friend's house?" I asked.

"Yeah sure. Just be back by midnight."

I nodded checking my watch seeing that my curfew was 5 hours away. I left and drove to Malik's house.

1 hour later...

We have been at Malik's place playing games and eating for about half an hour.

"Dude we should go somewhere." He suggested.

"I'm listening..." I said already knowing this is gonna be a bad idea.

"There's nice place in Baltimore some guys at school told me about. Pretty girls and good food. It's only like 30 minutes away."

"I don't know."

"Come on we don't have to stay long."

I rolled my eyes as I agreed. Lord help me.

35 minutes later...

We pulled up to this place called Sweet Xscape. We walked in and my mouth dropped. There were all these half naked girls around. Some them were dancing on poles and others were serving food and drinks.

"Oh my goodness. It's a strip club." I said.

"I don't think so. The main stage isn't even lit up like on the movies."

"Well, what do you call it?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Hi boys you want a dance?" Some lady in red lingerie said.

"No we-"

"Hell yeah!!" Malik said walking away with her. Great. Now I'm alone. I found an empty space and sat down. As soon as I got comfortable, the main stage lit up.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time for our Burlesque Extravaganza. Every night at 9pm we bring Vegas to Baltimore for your entertainment. So without further ado, coming to the stage is your favorite good girl with a very naughty side. Sit back, relax, and give it up for Angel!!!" The announcer said.

Suddenly, some lady in white sequined lingerie came out onto the started dancing provocatively. All these men were cheering for her but they didn't throw money at her like they did the others.

Instead, another girl came around with a small bucket and they put loads of cash in it. She seductively turned around and started singing.

"Never know how much I much I love you, Never know how much I care, When you put your arms around me, I get a fever that's so hard to bear, You give me fever..." She sang before 4 other girls came and started singing background and dancing with her.

She walked closer to the stage and I noticed she looked familiar. She stopped and winked at the crowd giving me a good view of her face....TONI?!!

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