Chapter 19

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"Okay class settle down. I would like to introduce you to our new student Toni who transferred here from Maryland." My new teacher announced. The kids were silent, so I guess they didn't care.

I took my seat and class started. I have to admit, I probably should have looked into this school more. The demographics are not too versatile.

"Okay, today we're discussing slavery."

Great. I glared at some of the other students who looked at me at the mention of today's lecture. Dear white people: do not stare at your black classmates when the teacher is discussing the oppression of African Americans!

"Toni, do you know when the first slaves came to America?" My teacher asked.

You gotta be kidding me.

After class had 3 more then lunch. I decided to skip lunch and I went and sat outside in front of the school. I plopped down on a bench and started texting.

"Rough day?" Someone asked. I looked up and was pleasantly surprised. A 6'1, light brown skin, muscular guy was smiling down at me.

"Yeah. You go to school here?"

"Wouldn't be here if I didn't." He chuckled.

"I'm sorry. I'm just surprised to see know." I said beating around the bush.

"What's wrong? You don't enjoy being the only black kid in class?"

"Not in history."

"Let me guess; you learned about slavery today." He said sitting next me.

"Yep and got the 'we're sorry' looks from practically everyone." I replied as we both laughed.

"Try reading To Kill A Mockingbird in English with that one asshole that volunteers to read any paragraph with the N word in it."

"I would've kick his ass."

"I see you don't listen to Dr. King."

"I'm more of a Malcom X girl."

"Im Shemar." He said with a smile.




I'm here in Pittsburgh and I thought I had my plan together but I don't. I don't know where to look, Toni could be anywhere.

I decided to go to a motel so I could figure it out. The place is sketchy and weird but it's my only option right now. I went into the room I was given and sat my bags down.

This room just feels dirty and I'm sure that's a blood stain on the floor near the door. My mom has been calling me nonstop and I'm sure she's worried so I texted her letting her know I was fine. After that I decided to call Toni, of course she didn't answer, so I texted her.

Toni-Bear😍: Ken I'm at school right now. Can't talk.

School? I think I have an idea now.
Just as I was about to start googling schools, I heard a loud bang followed by a scream.

I peered through the peephole and saw a guy running with a gun in his hand. Maybe this motel was a bad idea. After repackaging my stuff, I headed downstairs to the lobby.

"Sir I apologize. The authorities are handling it." The concierge said pointing to the swarm of policemen outside.

"Yeah...I'll just take my refund and go." I said.

He shrugged and gave me my money back. I went back to my car and drove away. I found an half empty lot nearby, so I parked there, locked my doors, let my seat back, and dosed off for a few minutes.



After school I went back to my grandmother's house. I walked in and she was making tea.

"Hey sweet pea, how was your first day?" She asked.

"Horrible. I felt like a modern day Ruby Bridges, minus the name calling and protesting." I replied.

"Wow, well did you at least make a friend?"

"Yes, but just one."

"Well that's good enough. You hungry?"


She ordered pizza and we sat on the couch watching TV as we waited.

"Oh dear. I'm gonna have to go get batteries for the flashlights."

"Why?" I asked looking up from my phone.

"There's a storm coming tomorrow night and I wanna be prepared. Don't be out late tomorrow night with that boy you're texting."

"How did you-"

"Well it's obvious that your new friend is a boy the way you're looking at that phone and grinning every 5 seconds. I don't want you hanging out with him and forgetting to come home."

"Grandma, I promise I'll be in this house before the streetlights come on." I said mocking her old ways.

"So it is a boy."


"No, it's okay I'm not judging. But, be careful don't make a permanent mistake because of a temporary problem. That boy you're running from obviously loves you and you love him. You wouldn't have ran off and got married like some idiots if you weren't in love."

"We're just friends and as far as Kenny and I...I think I've already messed that up. I love him but, he deserves someone better than me." I admitted.

"And what do you deserve?"



I woke up quickly realizing I almost slept the day away. I checked the time and it was 5:30pm. I tried calling Toni but she didn't answer. I drove around and saw a high school. I parked and went inside.

"Hello welcome to Denmark High." The lady at the front desk said.

"Hi, is there a Toni Braxton here? She would have just transferred someone this week."

"Umm, no sir. I'm sorry." She after checking her computer.


I left and drove around until I came to another school. I went inside and she wasn't there either. I tried 2 more schools after that and came up with nothing. Just as I was leaving the parking lot I saw another school up the road. It won't hurt to try just one more.

I went inside and stared at the scenery. If Toni was here I'd definitely know it because there's not too many minorities here. I saw one guy and decided to ask him since no one was at the front desk.

"Hi do you go to school here?"

"Yes. I'm Shemar, welcome to Belview Academy." He said holding his hand out.

"Kenny. I'm not going to school here, I'm actually looking for my girlfriend." I said shaking it. I didn't want to say wife because that would lead to more questions than I was willing to answer.

"Maybe I can help."

"Great. I'm looking for this girl  right here. Her name is Toni Braxton, she just moved to Pittsburgh a few days ago." I said showing him a picture on my phone.

"Umm...Nope. Never seen her before." He said. I sighed before thanking him for his help and walking out. Maybe I should just give up.

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