Chapter 40

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"3.....2.....1!!" Everyone said. LA and I cut the ribbon as everyone cheered. I took a look at the building and exhaled. All of my dreams have come true and I'm just getting started. Thank God.

LA raised his glass, "To LaFace!!"

"LaFace!!!" Everyone said doing the same.

"And to the First Lady of LaFace; Toni Braxton-Edmonds..." I trailed off pulling Tone into me as she giggled. "Whose album just went number 1 on the charts!!" I finished.

She gasped as the roar of applause got louder. The look in her face was priceless. Afterwards we invited everyone in to give them a tour of the building. I lagged behind along with Clive.

"I'm really proud of you kid. I know you and LA are gonna be stars and you're gonna make some stars." He said.

"Nah. You make the stars, we make the hits."

"You got that right."


I walked with the rest of the group as LA talked about each room. I can't believe my album is already number 1, it's only been a week! Words can't express how happy I am.

After the tour we went back to the lobby where there were refreshments being served. I was sitting with Mila when Kenny came  over to us. He pecked my lips, "Congratulations superstar."

"Thank you Mr. Babyface and congratulations to you too. It looks amazing in here."

He sat down next to me, "Thanks. How is my queen doing?"

"Better now."

"What about princess 1?" He asked tickling Mila.

"Good!" She laughed.

He rubbed my belly, "Princess 2?"

"She's chillin' today." I said as he leaned down towards my stomach.

"Daddy can't wait to meet you, and spoil you and your sister, and when I'm done spoiling you I'm gonna put you to bed. Then mommy and I are gonna work on a boy."

"Can I push this one out before you start trying to put another one in? Lord!!" I chuckled.

"We gotta get them while we're young."

I shook my head as a familiar face walked through the door. I stood up smiling as he came over to us.

"Pastor Winans, how are you?" I asked hugging him.

"I'm good, congratulations on your album by the way."

"Thanks. Wow, did everyone know except me?"

"Pretty much." Ken chuckled as he shook the pastor's hand. Kenny found a new church after he had a fit about the other one. He still never told me why he didn't like it, but I'm cool with it.



After I told LA the pastor was here, we got everyone grouped in a circle while holding hands. When everyone was locked in, Pastor Winans spoke;

"Everyone please bow your heads...God, we come to you humbly as we know how, asking that you bless this business to flourish with prosperity and abundant happiness to those who enter it. Give these young men the wisdom and strength they need to work together and build something that will last forever. In Jesus' name, amen."

"I like you pastor, you keep it short and sweet." LA said as put his hand on the pastor's shoulder while drinking a glass of champagne. I nudged him and he straightened up. "I mean...that was beautiful sir. Hallelujah."

"What he means is thank you." I said shaking his hand again.

"No problem. I'll see you tomorrow Kenny and I'll say a special prayer for you Mr. Reid." He replied.

"Praise the lord!" LA said raising his hands in the air as the pastor left.

I shook my head at him before going to find Toni. I picked up Mila and put her on my shoulders.

"Don't drop my baby Kenny." Toni said ruining our vibe.

"Have I ever dropped her?" I asked.

"Actually, y-"

"Okay don't answer that. I got it Mommy."

We headed out of the door and went to the car. After making sure everyone was strapped into their seats, we left.

"So where are we headed?" Toni asked as we intertwined our fingers.

"Home. I have to finish this track for Mariah and then I'm gonna turn in early."


I chuckled at the fact she forgot already. "We have church in the morning." I reminded her.

"Of course." She giggled as I kissed her hand.

The End.
I had so much fun writing this book. This has been one of my favorite books to write because of you guys. I loved writing some funny and laidback chapters and laughing with y'all. Don't be surprised if I do a sequel. 👀😘

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