Chapter 26

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Toni and I walked into the house having another one-sided argument. She told me what the girls said but L.A. had already told me what happened. I technically didn't do anything wrong. I wasn't even conscious. Yet hear we are two days later still talking about the same thing.

"Are you serious right now?! I told you that yuck mouth ass bitch gave you a blow job and all you can say oh okay?!" She yelled so loud that I'm sure the neighbors heard.

"Toni what do you want me to do? For the 10th time; I'm sorry. I was out of it, I didn't know what was going on. We didn't have sex so..."

"UGH!! I swear you get on my damn nerves! You can be so damn stupid sometimes!" She said slapping the back of my neck. She can't reach my head.

"Toni you better calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down!!" She said pushing me. I grabbed her arms and threw her on the bed. I pinned her hands above her head as hovered over her.


"Fuck you." She said matching my low tone. I softly kissed her lips and she tried to move her face. "Stop."

"You stop."

"Kenny I'm not playing with you.
I'm still mad." She said. I ignored her as I pulled her panties down. "Kenny, I'm serious...Ken- aah!"
She arched her back as I kissed her again while thrusting into her. I tried to remember the stuff Bobby and Keith were saying yesterday. Of course Bobby demonstrated with a chair which was extremely awkward and disturbing.

By the way Tone is moaning and screaming, I think I remembered pretty well. She's never been this loud. She yelled a bunch of curse words as she scratched my back.



Kenny laid there sleeping next to me as I sat staring at him in shock. He turned into a completely different person last night. He wasn't the nerdy little guy anymore, he was grown...real grown. Like, who the hell taught him how to do that stuff? Now I'm all tired and shit. He woke up and smiled at me.
"Good morning." He said happily.

"Good morning."

"Last night was good."

"Yes it was amazing but I'm still mad at you."

"Why?" He asked as if he didn't know. He knows I'm mad because he...what was I mad about again?

"I....I don't know. But when I figure it out, I'll be mad again."

"I'm going take a shower. You coming?"

"I would come but I can't..." I said. My legs honesty felt like jelly.

"Well that's okay. You came enough." He said whispering the last part. He kissed my cheek and went into the bathroom. His words caught me off guard. Did I wake up in a parallel universe? He has NEVER been that smooth. I think I like it.

After I finally regained the strength in my legs, I put my robe on as he came out of the bathroom.
"What are you doing?"

"Packing. I have to leave tomorrow morning ." I said putting some stuff in my suitcase.



"Don't leave. Just stay here."

"I can't, I have-"

"Please? My birthday is next week and I'm gonna be so sad planning without you."

"Ken..." I trailed off as he put his face in his hands. "Kenny stop it. The fake cry thing only works when I do it."

"Fine. Go. Leave me here....all alone....with all these women just throwing themselves at me..." He said sarcastically.

"Kenny don't nobody want your black ass but me. Now that you brought that up, I remember why I'm mad now. So, I'm leaving."

"Okay I'm sorry. Look just stay one more week. I promise I'll make it worth your while."

I was about to say no until he gave me the puppy dog eyes. I groaned, "Fine."

"Great now I'm off to the studio. Here's my card and the keys to the car, knock yourself out...not literally-"

"Bye Ken!"

After he left, I hopped in the shower and got dressed. I need to go gift shopping. Even if he is a big dummy it's still his birthday.

I drove to the mall and went inside Neiman Marcus. I looked around but couldn't find anything that caught my eye.
"Ma'am do you need some help?" The store clerk asked.

"Umm well I'm trying to find a birthday gift for my husband..."

"Okay well what's he like?"

I couldn't tell her in a nutshell because he's so..."Unpredictable."

She laughed before pulling me to the side. "Then maybe the gift should be as well. You definitely won't find it here though."

"So what should I do?" I asked.

"You're a pretty girl, go take some pictures for him."

"Take pictures of myself? That's a little vain don't you think?"

"No sweetie. I meant something a little different. If you get my drift..."

I thought for a minute before I finally got it, " no I'll just get him some socks or something."

"Okay. If you change your mind, I know a guy and he's very professional."

I looked her up and down trying to figure out why the hell her old ass was taking pictures like that. Instead of asking I just took the card and started looking for socks. There's no way I'm doing something so risqué like that.

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