Chapter 20

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Shemar and I decided to skip lunch and go get milkshakes. We're also cramming for a test. It's my second day and I'm already being tested.

"You have the cutest little mole on your neck." He said randomly.

"Shemar! We're supposed to be focused. We only have 20 Minutes before we have to go back." I said.

"I am focused."

"I meant on our school work."

"But you are so much more interesting."

"Whatever." I said blushing.

He tapped my shoulder and and as soon as looked at him, his lips were on mine. I thought I was dreaming until his hand touched my thigh letting me know this was real life. I quickly pulled away.

"Shemar I have a...a umm" I couldn't form the words because I was still in shock.

"You have a boyfriend?"


"Is he here now?"

"Well no b-"

"Then it doesn't matter." He said going in for another kiss.

"I'm sorry. I love him, and I don't want to mess things up even more. I hope we can still be friends."

He sighed before showing a small smile. "I understand and I'm cool with being friends. Just know that if you need someone I'm always here."

"Let's get back to school."

We drove back to school in an awkward silence. We both went straight to class and took our test.



I decided to just go to Atlanta and forget about trying to find Toni. If she wanted to be found she would have told me exactly where she was. I sat in my car for a minute just processing everything. Suddenly it starts raining, I guess I'll stay put in this parking lot until the rain stops.

3 hours later...

I tried waiting but it hasn't stopped raining yet. I started my car and started driving. The rain got harder making it hard for me to see. I was going over a bridge when my car suddenly stopped. This can't be happening.

The rain came down hard on my head as I lifted the hood of the car. I couldn't see anything so I figured I just needed gas. I looked around for a station but I was in the middle of nowhere.

I breathed heavily as I opened the car door and pulled my bags out. I put them over my shoulders and hiked down the other side of the bridge.



I was sitting in the living room when the power suddenly went out. I quickly got up as grandma entered the room with a gigantic flashlight and 3 small ones.

"I got it." She said turning the big one on. Thunder boomed and shook the whole house scaring the hell out of me.

"Okay sweet pea, I'm going to bed."  Grandma said.

"Wait you're gonna leave me by myself?" I asked trying not to show my fear.

"Toni you will be fine. It's not like there's some psycho killer out th-" She was cut off by the doorbell ringing and my screams. She looked at me like I was crazy. "Really?"

I shrugged while trying to calm myself down. She walked to the door and I stopped her.

"Grandma you can't just open the door. What if it is a psycho killer? Haven't you ever noticed how it's always storming and dark outside in every scary movie? And you know the black people are the first to die."

"Okay you watch way too many scary movies." She chuckled. She put her hand on the door knob.



I ran and grabbed a butcher knife from the kitchen. "Okay, I'm ready now." I said.

She opened the door slowly and I screamed before being interrupted by grandma.

"Girl if you don't shut up!" She said rather rudely. She turned her attention back to the person on the porch. I couldn't see because I was hiding behind the door. "Can we help you sir?"

"I'm sorry I disturb you but Joe from the service station sent me here. My car ran out of gas on the bridge up there and I was wondering if you had any because they ran out."

"Oh okay, I'll go check. Why don't you come on in."

"Grandma! We can't let creepy strangers in here!" I whispered. I think he still heard me.

"I don't mind waiting outside if it's any trouble."

"That would be best."

"Hush girl. He needs help. Come on sir." Grandma said. She stepped to side to let them in. "Oh my goodness, you're soaked. I'll get you a towel too."

"It's okay ma'am, you've done enough."

"Nonsense. You're freezing and I wouldn't want you to catch a cold. I'll be right back."

"I'm going with you." I said quickly following her. As we walked upstairs, I made sure we were out of earshot before speaking. "You're gonna get us both killed. What type of example are you setting for me right now?"

"When someone is in trouble you help them, it's the Christian thing to do. That's the example I'm setting. Besides, he seems harmless." She said making me shake my head.

"This can't be happening."

She grabbed the towels and a blanket from the linen closet. We went to the garage and she used the flashlight to check for the gas container as I stood by the door watching out for the psycho. She came back empty handed meaning he would be here longer than expected.

"Okay, the gas container is empty, but I got you some towels and a blanket." She said as we walked downstairs. The lights came back on as he turned around. I stopped dead in my tracks.


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