Chapter 14

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Keri and walked into school the next day hand in hand. Everyone was looking at me funny. I'm more than sure it was because of that video. I walked ahead of Keri so I could get my books and get to class. As I was doing so, this guy that was with Kenny yesterday came up to me.

"So I have twenty 1 dollar bills here. What can I get with that?" He laughed and the two guys behind him did the same.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Go ahead, dance." He said throwing cash in the air and making it fall on me. Just as I was about to slap him Keri came over. "Leave her alone before I kick your ass." He said and they walked off.

I slammed my locker closed and went to class. When I made it there Janet and Taraji were already there. We usually walk to class together everyday. They didn't even acknowledge me when I sat down. I guess they hate me too.

"Well looks like everyone is here except Mr. Edmonds." Our teacher said after the bell rang.

Of course Kenny's not here. He was too afraid to face me.



I rang the doorbell to Malik's house and waited for him to answer. When he finally did, he scoffed at my presence.

"Malik, I'm sorry about your dad and I'm sorry for being a horrible friend but I need your help." I said.

"Of course. That's the only time you're concerned about me is when you need something. It's always about you man." He said. He was right but I still needed him right now.

"I know and I'm sorry, but I wouldn't have came if it wasn't important. I'm skipping school, so you know it's serious."

"I'm surprised you still care about school."


"Fine. Come in."

I went inside and we went to his bedroom where his computer was. Malik is a genius when it comes to technology. Someone sent me the video of Toni and I want to know who took it.

"Okay,'s saying that you took it."

"Me? No, I wouldn't dare. I was there but I wouldn't have taken a video." I said. I had no reason to take a video of Toni.

"Maybe someone hacked your phone and sent the video through it. Or maybe they just stole it, took the video, then sent it." He said.

"None of this makes sense. I have my phone so they didn't steal it."

"Then it must have been hacked. Leave your phone here I'll check to see where it came from."

"Thanks man. I have to find Toni. I'll see you later."

I drove to the school and waited for Toni to emerge from the building since school was over. She came out with Keri in tow. They kissed before walking to his car. I really screwed up but I have to tell her what's going on. I got out and went over there.

"Toni, I know you hate me right now but I need to tell-" I was interrupted by a slap in the face.

"Screw you Kenneth. I thought you were my friend. How could you do this to me?"

"Toni I didn't do anything. I didn't take or send the video. You know me."

"I thought I did..." she said looking away.

"I'm serious I know I told your secret and I was wrong but this video wasn't me. I would never-"

"You BITCH!!" Taraji yelled speed-walking towards us. I stood between her and Toni. "I can't believe you're out here spreading lies about me!!"

"What are you talking about?" Toni asked.

"This!!" She said playing an audio message from her phone: "Taraji is such a dumbass whore. I heard she has Chlamydia." The message played in Toni's voice.

"Taraji I didn't say that, I swear." Toni said.

"Whatever fuck you Toni. And you..." She said pushing me. "I can't believe you actually sent that to everyone!"


"I hate you both!" She said before walking away. I looked at Toni and she wouldn't even look at me.

"Tone you know I wouldn't..." I trailed off as she walked off and got in the car with Keri. They drive off leaving me standing in the parking lot.

Later that day...

I walked into the house and saw Mr. Braxton yelling at the girls. "I don't know what you girls are up to but you need to stop this!"

"We're not up to anything. We told you that we won't eat until Toni comes home!" Trina said. The other girls folded their arms as they all glared at him.

"She's not coming home. If you girls keep acting like this, you can go with her-"

"Mr. Braxton? Can I talk to you?" I interrupted. He looked at me and nodded as he pointed to his office. It was killing me having this on my conscience. I needed to come clean.



Keri and I laid in his bed. He wouldn't stop talking about the damn recording. I hate that Taraji is mad at me, but I didn't say that. Even if she was a whore with chlamydia, I wouldn't tell anyone.

"Baby I can't believe you said that. You're so bad and it's so sexy." He chuckled.

"Keri stop. I never said those words, it has to have been edited."

"Whatever you say babe. Look, I'm gonna hop in the shower." He said before pecking my lips and getting up.

I was starting to dose off but a vibrating noise stopped me. I saw Keri's phone light up. I know it's wrong to snoop, but he doesn't have to know. I'll just take a quick peek.

Hey baby, you were right! First the video and now Taraji totally bought that fake audio. A few more days and that prissy little bitch will be ruined!😈

I couldn't believe my eyes. Kenny wasn't guilty after all. What shocked me even more was the person who sent the message...

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