Chapter 29

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I woke up and realized that Toni wasn't next to me. I called her name put I didn't hear her. I got up and went into the kitchen. There was a note on the fridge:

Out for a jog. Breakfast is in the microwave.
- Your favorite human

I smiled as I put it back and went to shower. As I was getting dressed I got a text from Bobby inviting me to a party he was having. His album went triple platinum so he wants to celebrate. I told him I'd be there and threw my phone down.

Afterwards I ate breakfast and turned on the fight I missed.



I was at the park jogging when someone grabbed my arm almost making me trip. "What the hell?!" I said angrily yanking my headphones out. I turned to see Isaac, Donna's husband, standing there.

"Hey." He said.

"Hi. Isaac, right?"

"Yeah..." He trailed off as his eyes scanned my breast making me feel uncomfortable.

" there something you want?"

"You know my wife and I were having a bit of a disagreement and in the midst of that, the police knock on my door. We've never had that problem before because everyone in the building knows how to mind there business. Well almost everyone."

I'm guessing he knows I called the police last night. I had to, he was beating her. She shouldn't be around him.

"I know it was you who called the cops. You need to stay out of our business and worry about your own." He said putting his finger in my face.

"Get your hand out of my face Isaac. Does assaulting women make you feel like a man? I bet you feel really powerful when you think a woman is scared of you. Well, guess what? I'm not scared of you." I said trying to walk away, but he grabbed me and shoved me against a tree. "Stop you're hurting me-"

"What goes on in my house is none of your concern. Donna is not your business, she's mine. Keep sticking your nose in our business, and it might end up broken. Have a nice day."

He walked off and leaving me there alone. I no longer felt comfortable so I went to the car and drove home. When I walked in Kenny was on the couch watching TV.

"Hey superstar."

"Hi." I said dryly.

"What's wrong?"


"Ok...well anyway, Bobby is having a party tonight. You wanna go?"

"Yeah sure."

He nodded as he kissed me. His hand touched my back through my jacket and I winced a little. "You okay?"

"Yeah, im just sore from working out that's all."

12 hours later...


Toni and I walked into Bobby's mansion hand in hand. We were immediately met with Bobby and his wife Whitney who asked me to help her on her next project.

"What's up man? Thanks for coming." He said giving me a bro hug. "Mrs. Edmonds." He said kissing Toni's hand.

"Hello Mr. Brown." Toni said.

"Oh this is my wife Whitney, Whit this is Toni."

"Nice to meet you." Whitney said warmly.

"Same here." She replied. I knew she was trying to play it cool but was flipping out on the inside. "Come on girl let's get you a drink." Whitney said grabbing her hand and taking her off somewhere.

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