Chapter 18

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"Have you seen Toni?" I asked random people. They all shook their heads no. After our fight the other day I realized that I was wrong for judging her. I want us to stay married no matter what our parents say.

I saw Taraji and decided to ask her. "Hey, have you see-"


She pulled me behind a corner and we peaked our heads around it. I saw Malik, Janet, and Keri talking to each other.

"Look, how the hell did y'all let them get back together?! Now I find out that both of those dimwits are nominated for Prom King and Queen!" Janet said angrily.

"Why does it always have to be about you Jan?" Keri asked.

"Shut up Keri! You had one job and that was to help me take that bitch Toni down. Now she's back with Kenny and the whole school is treating them like their Will and Jada or somebody."

"Look I hacked into the phones, I edited the audio, I recorded the video, my part is done." Malik said.

"Oh no! You're in this too. Now we need to discuss a new plan."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Toni's best friend was plotting against her along with her ex. On top of that Malik was helping. I thought he was our friend too, but he's a traitor just like they are.

"I got it all on video. All we gotta do is find a way to show the whole school. We'll get them before they get y'all." Taraji said as we walked away.

"I gotta tell Toni. Have you seen her?"

"No, she didn't show up today. I've been calling her since Saturday but she never answered."

That's not like Toni at all. Where could she be? My phone rang bringing me out of my thoughts. I answered thinking it was her but it wasn't.



"Thanks for letting me stay grandma."

"No problem. You know you're my favorite. I don't buy plane tickets for just anyone." She chuckled. I smiled as I sipped some more tea.

"How long can I stay?" I asked.

"As long as you want, but you're going to school. You need a high school diploma."

"I know. I just don't want to see him right now."

"You're just as dramatic as your father."

"I'm nothing like that man. He's cruel, heartless, inconsiderate..."

"I know, I raised him." She said making me laugh. "He's also strong-minded, caring, and stubborn. Just like you."

"Caring?" I almost laughed at her choice of words. My dad was a lot of things but cari h wasn't one of them.

"If he didn't care he wouldn't have called on the verge of tears because he couldn't find you. He thought someone had kidnapped you or worse."
"He didn't care before, so why now?"

"Maybe he feels bad I don't know."
I rolled my eyes, I'm sure he just wanted to know where I was so he could convince grandma to kick me out too. My phone rang and I ignored it seeing that it was Kenny.

"And stop ignoring that boy. Call him back. I'm going to the store." She said kissing my forehead before walking out of the door. Just as she did my phone buzzed.

Ken❤️💍: Where are u?

Pittsburgh. I'm not coming back.

I sat my phone down and looked up some high schools I could transfer to.



"Kenny what are you doing?" My mother asked.

"Well first, I gotta go get my wife. Then we're moving as far away as possible. I got the opportunity of a lifetime in Atlanta."

"Wait slow down. You're not going anywhere."

"Mother. I'm an adult now, I love you but you can't tell me what to do anymore. I'm going to get Toni and we're moving and there's nothing you can do to stop me."

"And what about school? College?"

"Mom, I got scholarships for theology which is something that you wanted me to do. I wanna do music and that's the opportunity I'm going after in Atlanta. As far as high school, I'm gonna graduate regardless. I have the highest GPA and more credits than anyone. I think I'll be fine."

"Kenny this is crazy. You need to stop and think before you start making decisions like this."

"I've thought about it long enough. Now..." I kissed her cheek after adjusting my bags on my shoulders. "I love you mom, I always will but I can't stay here any longer."

With that, I walked out and put my things in the car. I turned my GPS on before I pulled out of the driveway.



"Toni! Sweetheart wake up!" I heard my grandmother say. I lifted my head from the computer as she laughed at me. "Well I guess you're well rested."

"What time is it?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"After 7."

"I can't believe I slept that long."

"Well that's okay, did you find a school?"

"Yes, I did. There's a high school just 10 minutes from here."

"So you're really serious about staying here?"

"Yes. There's nothing for me back home." I said and she sighed. I know she wanted me to work things out at home but it is what it is.

"Okay...we'll go register you tomorrow morning."

I nodded before heading up to the guest room.

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