Chapter 36

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I woke up with Toni laying on my chest. It was 9am and I had to go to the studio.

"Tone?" I whispered shaking her. She mumbled something and turned over. "Tone wake up."

"Just 5 more hours." She said groggily.

"Hours? Baby come on, get up."

"Ugh...fine." She got up and went into the bathroom. I texted L.A. to let him know I was on my way and followed her. After we did our hygiene, Toni offered to make breakfast.

"So are you feeling better today?" I said sitting on the counter.


"What was going on with you yesterday?"

"I don't know. Lately I've been super angry, sad, and super horny. But I'm fine now." She said before turning around with a plate full of pancakes. There were about ten pancakes stacked on top of each other.

"Oh here's your plate." She said handing me the other plate with 3 pancakes. I was gonna ask her about it but I decided against it.
While we were eating there was knock at the door. I went to get it and it was Mary. "Toni?!"

She came to the door and Mary smiled. "Well if it isn't Dwayne and Whitley 2.0" she chuckled.

"Come on in Mary."

She came in and we all sat in the living room."What's up? Is everything okay?" Toni asked.

"Yes everything is great actually. The surgery went well."


"I'm here because Katie, Richard, and I were talking and we feel like we took Mila from the perfect and loving home. I mean, here I was looking for parents when she had them all along."

"So what are you saying?" I asked.

"Are you two open to adopting Mila?"

"Yes!!" We said in unison.

"Okay well I'll let Katie and Richard know. I have a newborn on my roster who will be a better fit for them anyway."

"Wait so this is really happening?" Toni asked.

"Yes. You guys are great, I know you're gonna be great parents to Mila."


"Where are you going?" I asked Ken.

"I gotta go to the studio."

"Take me with you."

"No you have to wait for Mila. Mary's gonna drop her off later."

"Do you have to go?"

"Yes, I have a session with Whitney and I have to finish the masters to my album."


He picked my forehead, "I love you"

"Whatever, Bye"

He left and I sighed. I need friends. I finished my pancakes but I was still hungry. I made a sandwich and started watching TV.


"Whitney I'm serious, she ate like 10 pancakes all at once." I told her as she laughed.

"Mood swings, excessive eating,- is she late?" She asked making me confused.

"Late for what?"

"Late on her period silly."

"Ugh I don't keep up with that stuff. I just know when she's being mean I should stay far away. It's never been this bad though."

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