Chapter 32

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I got up and went into the guest room where Mila slept. I open the door and she was sitting up playing with her bear without a care in the world. She looked up at me and crawled to edge of the bed. I picked her up and she pointed to her stomach.

"You're hungry too huh? Come on."

We went into the kitchen and I sat her on the island. I didn't know what she liked so I just pulled out everything. She picked up the bacon.

"Okay bacon. What else?" I asked. She looked around and picked up the pancake mix and I smiled. She's a smart little baby. "Pancakes and bacon it is."

I helped her down and started cooking. She didn't move she just stayed right where I left her. I smiled and kept cooking. We only have 2 hours until we have to meet Mary so I'm trying to hurry.

Kenny walked into the kitchen, "Good morning ocean eyes." He said pinching Mila's cheek and walking past me.

"Kenny please don't tell me you're still mad."

"Okay I won't tell you." He said grabbing an apple.


He ignored me and went into the living room. I sighed as I finished up.


I sat on the couch eating an apple. My mind was on this meeting today. I don't think Toni understands how getting attached to this kid could hurt her later on if someone comes to get her. On top of that she's leaving her alone with me for two days.

I don't know how to watch a kid. I can barely watch myself! I turned around and saw her feeding Mila. It was kinda cute, but still this is a bad idea.

I was about to go into my home studio when I felt a pair of arms around me. "Ken."


"I'm sorry. You were right I should have talked to you before making a decision like this."

"I just don't want you to get hurt."

"I know but I've never been more sure about anything. Look at her, how can you not want to love a face like that?"

 Look at her, how can you not want to love a face like that?"

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"And if her family comes?" I asked. I could tell that the thought itself made her sad which is why this is bad idea.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there. I'm gonna go get dressed."


"Well everything looks good so far. The background checks came out clean and you're financially stable." Mary said reading through a file.

"So now what?" Toni asked.

"I have some papers you need to sign and then you two will be her temporary legal guardians." She said handing us the papers. "Sign here. Here. Oh and here."

Toni and I signed all three places.

"Okay you're all set. My assistant here will walk you to the playroom so can get her."

"Okay, call me if you need anything." Toni said picking up her suitcase.

"Alright." I said hesitant.

"Ken, don't worry it's just a couple days. I'll be back in no time. Everything will be fine."

"I hope you're right."

"I'm always right. I love you."

"Love you too."

She pecked my lips and kissed Mila's cheek.


She went out of door and we were alone. I looked at Mila and she looked at me. I gave her her teddy bear and sat her on the couch. I went into the studio and started writing and playing some chords.

"If I never feel you in my arms again...If I never feel your tender kiss again...If I never hear I love you now and then...Will I never make love to once again?"

I stopped, wrote it down, and played some more chords.

"Please understand...If love ends...Then I promise you, I promise you that...that I shall never-" I was interrupted by a key that wasn't in the song being played repeatedly. I looked up and saw Mila pressing keys repeatedly.
I gently grabbed her hand.

"Look I know you may not understand but that's distracting." I said. She stared at me then walked to the other side and started pressing some more keys. I chuckled then I got an idea.

I lead her over to the speaker and put her hand on it. I went back over to the piano and started playing. I guess the felt the vibrations because she smiled. Maybe this won't be so bad after all.



"I'm home!" I yelled walking into the house.

"Toni!!" The girls said as they all hugged me. I missed them.

"Hey sweetie. How was Atlanta?" Mommy asked.

"Great. There's something I need to talk to you guys about."

"Okay what is it?" Dad asked.

"I'm thinking about moving to Atlanta with Kenny."

"Ok." They said in unison.

"You can't stop me! We're married and- wait, did you say ok? As in your cool with this?"


Well that just cuts out the whole argument I had prepared for on the way here.

"Is this your way of kicking me out again? Did I do something wrong?" I asked.

"No Toni. You're an adult now you can make your own decisions?" Mommy said shocking the hell out of me.

"Are y'all sick or something?"

"No little girl. Gosh, if we say no you argue with us and if we say yes you think we're trying to get rid of you. Go to Atlanta, just make sure you come home sometime too." My dad said.

"Well I'm not cool with it!" Tamar said.

"Tay, I promise I'll come visit and maybe in the summer you can come visit me. I'll call you guys everyday." I said sitting next to her.


"I promise."

"Fine you can go."

"Thanks mom #2."

I guess it's settled I'm moving to Atlanta.

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