Chapter 15

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After telling Mr. Braxton the truth about everything, we agreed that I would stay at my own house until my mom gets back. It's only for a week so I'll be fine. He's still not letting Toni back in the house though.

I was sitting with my new friends at lunch when Toni walked in alone. Janet and Taraji basically kicked her out of their little clique and Taraji is incredibly angry at her. I feel like this is partially my fault. I got up and walked over to her.


"Kenny, I really don't wanna talk to you right now okay? My life is falling apart and it all started with you not keeping your mouth shut." She said in a depressed tone.

"I'm sorry."

"Yeah right." She said walking past me.

"Toni! Tone!" I called but she kept going. Of course she couldn't hear me over all of the students talking but I needed her to hear me out. I stood on an empty lunch table. "TONI!!" I yelled making the whole cafeteria get quiet. She stopped in her tracks and slowly turned to face me.

"I was wrong for what I did. I broke a promise that I made to you and I'm sorry. You were right, I was trying to be something I wasn't just so I could be popular. I'm sure I'm not the only one, really got guys?" I said.

"Yeah! The truth is...I hate cheerleading!" Jada the cheer captain said throwing her pom-poms down.

"Yeah and I never wanted to play basketball I wanna be in the Chess Club." said one of the basketball players.

"My favorite color is pink." Some emo chick added.

"Toni you're not the only one to make mistakes either. I made out with Coach Thomas." Destiny said making everyone look at her crazy. "What? He's hot for a 52 year old."

"Anyway....The truth is I'm just a nerd who loves math and music. I'm also a nerd who loves you. That's right, I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU...and no matter how many mistakes you make, you'll always be perfect to me." I said looking into her eyes. She walked closer to me as I hopped down. I waited for her to say something, but she didn't. Instead she pulled me into her by my shirt and was about to kiss me until she stopped herself.

She ran to my backpack and pulled out my glasses. When she came back, she placed them on my face before pulling me into a passionate kiss. I wrapped my arms around her waist as I deepened the kiss. I had forgotten that the entire senior class was in the room until I heard some awes and a big applause.



Ken and I chuckled as we pulled away and went to sit down. After lunch everyone went to the next class. After sitting in class for about 15 long and boring minutes, I excused myself to the restroom.

As I was walking through the hallway I saw Taraji and there was an awkward and tense silence between us.

"Taraji, I really didn't say any of those things, the audio was fake. I have proof." I said pulling out my phone. I screenshot the message from Keri's phone and sent it to myself before leaving his house last night. He didn't even bother showing up today.

"Who would fake something like that?" She asked in disbelief. I showed her the number and she gasped. "That bitch! How could Janet do something like this?"

"I don't know how she got the video of me. She must've recorded some of our phone conversations and edited it the audio from there. I didn't know she was that good with computers."

"That's the thing, she's not good with them. Someone helped her, and someone gave her that video."

"We need to figure it out and expose both of them." I said ready for war.

"Hold on. We need to be smart about this. I'll come up with a plan and text you. I gotta get to class." She said before walking off. She came back and hugged me. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you. You're the best friend a girl could ask for." She said before going to class.



"Ken are you sure I should be staying here?" Toni asked.

"Yeah my mom doesn't come back for another week and I'll be bored here all alone."

"Why are you staying here and not at my house?"

"Well I told your dad about everything. From what really happened at Destiny's party all the way to me not wanting to be a pastor. We agreed that I should stay at my own house until my mom comes back next Friday."

"He kicked you out, didn't he?"

"Yep." I said and she laughed.

"That man is impossible. It's either his way or no way at all."

"Your sisters miss you a lot. They even went on a hunger strike before your mom intervened." I chuckled sitting next to her.

"I miss them so much."

"I know. I'm sure you'll see them soon."

I ordered pizza and we watched movies in my bedroom as we ate. When we finished eating, we snuggled together and for finished the movie.

"Well that was good." She said as the ending credits rolled.

"Yeah I wasn't really paying attention."

"I know because you were watching me instead watching the movie."

"Well it's hard not to."

She smiled and kissed my lips.



Ken and I ended up in a make out session. I got so lost that I didn't notice what we were doing until I ended up straddling him.

"Ken wait." I said getting off of him.

"Tone it's okay, I'm ready. I want to make love to you." He said.

"I thought you wanted to wait til marriage? That's what you've been saying for the longest."

"I know but I changed my mind. I love you."

"I love you too, but I think you should wait. That moment is supposed to be special. I just don't want you to have regrets like I did." I said placing a kiss on his cheek. He sighed as we sat in silence staring into space.

"We should get married." He blurted out randomly.

"We should do what now?"

"Let's get married!"

"Ken we can't just run off and get married just because you wanna have sex." I chuckled.

"That's only part of the reason, and why not? I mean, you love me and I love you."

"What about our parents?"

"They can come to the vow renewal in 5 years. Look, this could either be the best or the worst decision we've ever made, but I really want you to be Mrs. Edmonds. I say we just do it."

I didn't know what was crazier. The fact that he came up with this idea out of nowhere or the fact that I'm actually considering it. He got on one knee and held my hand.

"Will you marry me?" He asked with a smile and hopeful eyes.

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