Chapter 25

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I've been calling and texting Toni all day and she hasn't responded. I don't blame her for being angry. L.A. and those girls finally left especially since Toni slamming the door woke them up. I cleaned the whole house to get rid of any trace of them.

"Toni please call me back, I'm worried about you." I said on her voicemail. That's the 17th one I've left. It's getting dark out and I don't want her out there alone in a city she doesn't know.

I was about to call back when the door opened. Toni walked in with a plethora of shopping bags. She sat them down and handed me my credit card.

"It's maxed out." She said before walking past me.

"Well Clive put us on a limit. We can only spend $5,000 a day."


"Umm...I see you changed clothes." I said randomly. I was trying to make conversation, her silence was frightening.

"Can't go anywhere with a trench coat and lingerie."

"You wore that for me?"

"No I wore it for the hoes in your bedroom. Duh I wore it for you stupid!"

"Tone I'm sorry. I wish I could explain but I honestly don't remember a thing."

"I leave you alone for a week and this is what you do?"

"Look it wasn't my idea, L.A. got drunk and invited them over."

"Where were you in the midst of this?"


"So this is your fault too. Well, I hope you had your little fun because from now on, you're on punishment."

"Punishment?" I said as she gave me a look and walked away. Putting two and two together,"Wait Toni, noooo."



I can't believe Kenny would do something so foolish. I know he wasn't in his right mind and doesn't know what happened but it was still stupid. I walked into his bedroom and shook my head as the smell of bleach hit my nostrils. At least he cleaned up.

He came in behind me and I rolled my eyes. "Can we talk about this?"

"Talk to your hoes, you seem to have a lot."

"I don't have a lot of hoes, I just have you!" He said making me look at him crazy. "That didn't come out right...look you're the only woman I want, okay? I made a mistake and it won't happen again. I promise."

"Whatever Ken."

"Let me make it up to you."

"How the hell are you gonna do that?"

"How long are you in town for?"

"It was supposed to be a week."

"Then I will spend every day trying to make things right."

"We'll see."



I convinced Toni to come to work with me today. We walked into the studio hand in hand even though she's still mad at me. Clive was the first person we ran into. "Hey Face, is this one of the cuties from the party? L.A. told me about your wild night." He chuckled. I felt an excruciating pain in my hand as Toni squeezed it.

"N- ouch no! This is my very strong wife Toni." I said rubbing my hand.

" bad. Nice to meet you." He said and she waved giving him a fake smile. "Anyway, we have guests so I hope you have some songs ready."

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