Chapter 8

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Friday morning...


"You never told me how the meeting went the other day." Kenny said as we walked into the school.

"It went great but he wants me to audition for his bosses tonight before he hands me a contract."

"So you get to go to a real record label and sing?"

"Well, the audition is at his hotel room, but I'm sure I'll go to one once they give me a record deal." I said and he stopped me.

"A hotel room? Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Yes Ken. This is a big deal for me so can you please just cover for me? I'm not asking you to lie but just don't say anything." I said as Keri came up to us.

"T, can we talk...alone?" He said looking at Kenny. Kenny walked off and I sighed.

"I have nothing to say to you. We're over and I mean it this time. You did nothing but put me down, cheat on me, and lie the whole time we were together. I'm done with you." I said to Keri before pushing past him and catching up with my friends.

School went by rather quickly. When I got home I started looking for outfits to where for my audition.



Toni is ecstatic about the audition tonight. I'm happy for her but I just think it's kinda odd and unprofessional for her to be auditioning in some guy's hotel room. I just have a bad feeling about it.

She told her parents that she was going to Janet's house tonight. So they have no idea what's going on. Now, it's almost 7 and she's walking downstairs.


"Yes?" She turned to face me.

"Are you really sure about this?"

"Yes Ken! What's up with you? I thought you'd be happy for me."

"I am happy for you, but I don't think you should be going to some random man's hotel room alone. What if somethi-"

"Kenny you're thinking way too hard. That random man is gonna make me a star. I know I shouldn't go alone but it's not like your holy rollin' ass is gonna go." She says harshly.

"I'm just trying to look out for you Toni-"


"Because I-...I have to."

"You can look out for me by keeping your mouth shut and staying out of my way. Look, I'm gonna be late. See ya later." She said walking out of the door. I sighed before going upstairs to my room.



"Toni, you're right on time. Come on in." Richard said opening the door wider to let me in. "Hey guys our angel is here." He chuckled as we walked into the main room. Three men were sitting on the couch drinking.

"Toni I want to introduce you to Paul, James, and Ian. They are our top executives at Wallz Records."

"Hi." I said.

"Toni can we offer you a drink?" Paul asked handing me a glass with some tan liquid in it.

"I'm not 21 yet."

"Oh, we won't tell if you won't." James chuckled. "You look like a nervous wreck, loosen up."

I grabbed the glass from Paul's hand and took a big sip. It burned going down but I was relaxed.

"Feel better?" Ian asked and I nodded.

"So, let's get down to business. First, can you sing a little something for us?" Richard asked and I nodded once again. I closed my eyes and started singing.

"When we met, I always knew
I would feel the magic for you
On my mind constantly
In my arms is where you should be
I love you here by me, baby
You let my love fly free
I want you in my life for all time
Caught up in the rapture of love
Nothing else can compare-"

"That's enough." Paul interrupted.

"You sound amazing!" James said making me smile. "Thank you so much." I said.

"So, we know you have talent next is your appearance. Do a little spin for us please." Ian said. Confused, I slowly did a 360 turn and faced them again.

"Okay now remove your shirt."


"Your top, take it off."


"No?" James asked as they all stood up.

"I-I'm not com-comfortable with this. I should...I should go." I said walking towards the door. Just as I opened it, a hand slammed it back.
My vision started to blur as I felt him breathing down my neck. I turned around to face Richard. At least I think it was him.

"Please let me go." I said in the verge of tears.

"I will, but we're not done with your audition yet." He said using his free hand to to unbutton my shirt. I tried pushing him away but that just made him more agressive. So agressive, that he ripped my shirt open.

"Stop!!" I said loudly. I was seeing double and starting to get really tired.

"It's okay baby girl I'm gonna make you a star." He said pushing his body against mine.

"Get off of me!!" I cried but he wouldn't listen. He pinned my arms to the door with one hand and started kissing my neck. He used the other hand to unbutton my jeans. I saw the other men unbuckling their pants and watching. They were gonna take turns.

"!!" I cried as fatigue started to take over and my eyes got heavy...

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