Chapter 33

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"I'm back!!" I yell walking into the house. My eyes widened when I saw the house was a mess. I can tell Ken went shopping because there are toys all over the place.

"Yes sir... of course, I can't believe it either.." I heard Ken say. It sounded like he was on the phone. I walked in the kitchen and he had Mila sitting inside of a large pot and he was pulling it by a pink jump rope that he tied to it. He didn't even notice me because he was so into his phone conversation. Mila smiled when she saw me and I picked her up.

"Hey best friend."I said lowly as I examined her. "I know damn well-"

"Shit! Hey baby, you scared me. I didn't hear you come in." Ken said pecking my lips.

"Ken what did you do to her?"

"She looks cute." He said proudly.

"You wrote Thug Life on her stomach?"

"We were playing dress up...she's Tupac. See her little bandana?" He said pointing to it. "She was a taco yesterday, I gotta show you the pictures."

"Are...Are you wearing a diaper?" I asked hoping my eyes were deceiving me.

"Yes. Yes I am."


"Because babies like Mila need a lot of attention and I have an album to finish by next Monday. No matter how many toys I bought she kept getting into stuff. So between watching her and finishing this album, I haven't slept, went to the bathroom, or anything. I think I'm slowly losing my mind." He said in one breath as his hand started to shake. His eyes were bloodshot red.

"Okay, Ken? Put the coffee down." I sad taking the mug from him.

"B-But I need it."

"You need a shower and a nap...and to never wear that again. I'll take it from here."


He walked into the bedroom and I looked at Mila. She grinned as if she knew she gave him a hard time. "Terrible Two's." I chuckled before taking her into the guest room.

After putting her down for a nap I cleaned up and noticed that Ken was in the shower a little too long.

"Baby?" I said walking into our bedroom. He was asleep across our bed with nothing but a towel on. I guess he forgot to turn the shower off when he got out. I turned it off and left out.

2 hours later...


"That was quick." Toni said as I entered the living room.

"I got cold and realized I was still naked." I said and she chuckled. I sat next to her on the couch. "How did the trip go?"

"Good, my parents are totally cool with this. How was Mila? Besides the whole you almost going crazy part."

"She was great. It just bothers me that she can't hear. I mean how can she have two musical parents and can't even hear the music we create." I said in deep thought. Toni smiled at me and I looked at her crazy. "What?"

"I thought you said not to get too attached?"

"I'm not getting attached."

"Ken you just referred to us as her parents."

"I did?"

"Awww Ken, you two bonded!" She cooed pinching my cheek.

"No, no, no! I meant...other parents musical-like."


"Look, enough about me. How about we take advantage of this quiet time."

"I'm kinda tired..."

"You can go to sleep right after, or you can just lay there and let me do the rest." I said kissing her neck.

"Mila will be up soon..."

"But I'm up now." I whined.

"Ken! Stop it." She chuckled. "Don't you have an album to finish?"

"I'm almost done I just have to put the finishing touches on the signature song."

"I wanna hear." She said.

I grabbed her hand and we went to the studio. I had to re-record the hook anyway. "Alright, I'm gonna go in the booth press this button when it's time." I said and she nodded.

I went into the booth and put my headphones on. I gave her a thumbs up. She played it from the hook:

Love has no limit
If you believe in love
It'll open up so
Don't even give in
'Cause if it starts to give
Just hold on

We didn't make it
But love'll get you by
If you only try
Just don't give up on love
'Cause it didn't work out this time

Tender lover, girl, I'm so sorry
Well I never meant to hurt you
I never meant to break your heart
Tender lover, so broken hearted
Well I never meant to break your
Break your little tender heart

I let it play out as she danced to the beat. I came out and took a listen.
"Great, now I'm done. You know, they asked me to do a song for this movie and I wrote it but it's missing something."

"Like what?" She asked playing some chords on my keyboard.



"Just read over the lyrics." I said as tiny footsteps became louder and closer. I smiled as Mila peeped in the doorway. "Hey ocean eyes!" I said picking her up. She giggled as I tickled her.

"Look whose awake." Tone said coming over to us. She pinched Mila's cheek and we walked into the living room where Toni had put all of the toys in a little corner. I put Mila down and she went and picked up a princess puzzle before bringing it back to us. She climbed back in my lap as Toni helped sort out the pieces. We spent the rest of the afternoon playing.

Boring chapter but it's something🤗

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