Chapter 30

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I was up all night thinking about Donna. She couldn't possibly be blaming me for this. Then again maybe she just wants to blame someone other than herself or Isaac. I just wish she would leave or that someone would force her to.

On a lighter note I'm going home tonight. I love being here with Ken but I'm sure my parents are worried since I haven't called in almost three days. Plus, I miss my sisters.

"Toni why are you up so early? It's 4 in the morning." Ken said.

"I couldn't sleep."

"Don't stress yourself out about Donna. What she's going through is sad but you can't help someone that doesn't want help. She clearly said she didn't-"

"I know what she said Ken. I just wish she did. What the if he kills her?"

"Then she'll be another cautionary tale on what not to do." He said and I sighed. "Go back to sleep Wonder Woman, everything will be fine."

He started humming some song and as much as I tried to fight it, my eyes were getting heavy. Soon I drifted off to sleep.



I woke up four hours later and decided to go get breakfast. When I got back Toni was still asleep so I got a head start on eating too. She's really bothered about this Donna situation but I think Donna will come to her senses eventually. At least I hope she does.

"Good morning." Toni said coming out of the bedroom.

"Good morning sunshine."

"What's for breakfast."

"Donuts!" I said happily.

"That's so unhealthy...I'll take two."

"So, I was thinking that you should move here with me. Only if you want to." I suggested as she sat on my lap.

"I'd love to but...what about my family?"

"They can move here too."

"So they can be all up in our business? Hell no. I'll talk to them when I get home."

"I forgot about that."

"Don't do that. I'll be back sooner than you think. Besides, you can still see me when I'm not here."

"That picture is sexy but I can't touch, kiss, or make love to that picture. Well I could but it would be strange and unsanitary."

"You're so... I can't even put it in words."

"That's just how awesome I am. What time is your flight?"


"Well lets go make these hours count." I said picking her up. She squealed as I ran to the bedroom. When we made it I threw her in the bed and clothes started coming off.

6 hours later...

"Oh my God!" Tone said as she rolled over to her side of the bed. We started, stopped, started, stopped and started up again for eight hours straight.

"I'm tired." I said.

"I'm numb." She added making me chuckle.

"Get some rest, I'll get your bags."

I pecked her lips and got to work.
It took 30 minutes just to zip her suitcase. Why do women pack so much? Finally I finished everything with about 2 hours to spare before it was time to take Toni to the airport. I turned on a movie and fell asleep for what felt like 10 minutes until...


I jumped up, "What's wrong?"

"Do you know what time it is?"

"No but by the look on your face I'm guessing it's past your flight time."

"The fight was 2 hours ago." She said angrily.

"I'm so sorry I fell asleep. We'll book another one tomorrow."




I can't believe Ken forgot to wake me up. I texted my mom and told her I would be home tomorrow. One more night won't hurt anything.

"Come on. Come to papa." He joked.

"So silly."

I sat by him on the couch and we snuggled up together. We were watching TV when...


"What the hell?" I said getting up and looking out of the window.

"It sounded like it came from downstairs. I'm gonna go check it out. Stay here." He said putting his shoes on.

"No! I'm coming with you..."


"Never mind."

"I'll be back." He said before kissing my forehead.

With that he left. I paced back and forth with my phone in my hand. I looked out of the window and there were a swarm of police cars outside in a matter of minutes.

Something in my gut told me it was Donna and Isaac, but still it could be anyone.I called Ken and he didn't answer. That's it I'm going down there.

I took the stairs and saw a crowd of people going down. The police were escorted everyone out. I followed them outside and sighed in relief when I saw Ken.

"Oh my God. I was so worried." I said as I hugged him.

"I'm fine."

"What happened?" I asked. He looked down for a second before saying, "Isaac and Donna. She was trying to leave but..."

"But what?"

"He shot her and then he shot himself."

I couldn't breathe, I couldn't speak, I could only stand there. I didn't realize I was crying until Ken pulled me into a hug. This has to be a dream.

"I'm sorry. I know you tried to help." He said but it didn't make it any better.

An officer asked us to move back as the coroners brought out both of the body bags. I closed my eyes as I cried harder.

National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1800-799-SAFE (7233)

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