Chapter 6

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"Toni we're back!!" Trina yelled as we walked into the house. Soon she emerged from her bedroom.

"Hey, how was service?" She asked emerging from her bedroom.

"Good a few people asked about you." Towanda replied.

"Honey are you feeling any better?" Ms. E asked.

"Not really, if I just lay down for a bit I should feel better soon."

"Okay well I'll send up some soup for you later on."

"Thanks mom." She said before going back to her room.

Everyone went their separate ways leaving me by myself. I went to my room and did some homework before dinner.



I was in my room writing some music when I heard something hit my window. I got up and opened it to see Keri outside.

"What do you want?" I whispered loudly.

"I'm sorry I lied and it won't happen again. I want you back, I love you." He whispered back. I know he's lying about it not happening again, but I love him. He was my first everything. He used a ladder to climb up and I opened the window wider for him to climb in.
"Watch out for my science project." I warned.

"Oh you actually did that?" He asked.

"Duh, it's a grade."

"I could have had my guy do it for you."

"Who is your guy? And why do you have people doing your work for you?"

"Calm down babe its not that deep. I'm still gonna get into college on this football scholarship. Anyway, he's that little church nerd. What's his name? Lenny? Benny?"


"That's the one."

"Keri you need to do your own work. I refuse to be married to an idiot."

"Who said anything about marriage babe?"

"You did when you were in top of me! You know what, get out."

"Wait T, I'm sorry I was just playing. Look I'll give you the world when I join the NFL and make millions. You can be a stay-at-home mom and watch our 5 bad ass kids." He said snaking his arms around my waist.

"Speaking of kids, we need to talk."

"You're not pregnant are you?"

"Not anymore...I had an abortion today." I said thinking about the trauma I had go through at that clinic.

"Oh T, I'm sorry you had to go through that alone. But you did the right thing, I can't take care of a baby right now. I got my whole life ahead of me."

"Why does everything have to be about you? What about me Keri? Plus, I don't wanna be some stay at home mom, I have bigger dreams. I wanna be a singer."

"Baby, you need to be more realistic. Everybody can't make it in the music business."

"Everybody won't make it to the NFL either, especially not your mediocre ass!"

"I'm gonna ignore that because you're upset right now. Call me when you calm your nerves." He said he kissed my cheek and climbed out of the window.

I felt tears falling down my face and I quickly wiped them before hearing a knock on the door.
"Come in." I said. Kenny walked in with a bowl of soup and handed it to me. "Thanks."

"No problem. I hope you don't mind me asking but are you okay?"

"Yeah." I smiled.



She seemed really sad about something but I didn't want to pry, so I just sat her spoon down. I was about to walk out when she called my name.

"Yes?" I asked turning around.

"I want you to stop doing Keri's work for him."

"Well it's not as easy as it sounds."

"You need to stand up for yourself Ken."

"So he can beat me up again? No thanks."

She sighed as she grabbed my hand. I was flipping out on the inside but I was trying my best not to show it. "I won't let him hurt you Ken." She said before leaning in and kissing my cheek.

I felt the warmness in my cheeks as I got up. I was on my way out the door when I tripped over my own two feet. I hit the floor and my glasses fell off.

"Oh my gosh, are you alright?" Toni asked as she ran to my side. Everything was blurry and I tried feeling my way around.

"Tone? Is that you?" I asked feeling something.

"Well those are my boobs so yeah it's me." She said making me quickly move my hands.

"Ah! I'm sorry, I swear I'm not a-"

"Perv, I got it. Here." She said putting my glasses on. They were cracked but at least I can see.

"Thanks. I'm sorry about fondling your breast."

"It's cool. Next time I'm gonna have to charge you." She chuckled. I smiled until we found ourselves staring at each other. I got off the floor and dusted myself off as she quickly looked down.

"Goodnight." I said.


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