Chapter 35

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We walked into the hospital as Katie came towards us. "What happened?" I asked.

"I don't know. She just started crying and I thought it was because she missed you guys. Then she started screaming and pulling her ear and the next thing we know, there was blood coming out of her left ear. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have call you. I just freaked out." She said shaking.

"It's okay Katie. We do care about Mila even if she's not ours. Do the doctors know what's wrong?" Ken asked.

"I don't know, but Richard went back there with her. Maybe they'll tell him and he'll tell us."

"Hi Katie, I came as soon as my meeting finished. What are you two doing here?" Mary said coming into the lobby.

"I called them." Katie answered. The doctor came up and told us we could see her. We all went to Mila's room and she was sitting in the bed with her eyes all puffy and red. She saw us and instantly reached for Ken.

"May I?" He asked and they nodded. He picked her up and she laid her head on his shoulder.

"What did the doctor say?" Katie asked Richard.

"Well she has some inflammatory blockage in her ears which it why she can't hear and why she was bleeding. They wanna do a surgery that will get it out and help her hear."

"That will be great."

"It's expensive."

"We'll pay for it." Kenny volunteered. Everyone looked at him as Mila slept on his shoulder.

"Really?" Richard asked.


"Wow, thank you!" Katie said.



Toni and I have been home for about an hour and she's been crying at every commercial that comes on. I'm guessing she really misses Mila but this is just weird.

"Those poor puppies!! Who would want to hurt a puppy?!" She cried looking at one of those abused animal informercials.

"Maybe...people who don't like puppies?" I said.

"How could you be so heartless Kenny?"


"Shut up!!" She got up and went into the bedroom and slammed the door. What just happened?

I changed the channel to the basketball game and ten minutes later, the bedroom door opened and my jaw dropped.

"We haven't tried the whole role play thing yet so I figured we could give it a try. Yes?" She said coming out in a sexy cop uniform.

I just nodded. I couldn't form words.

"Good so I'll be the cop and you can be the bad guy that I take into custody..." She trailed off pulling out some handcuffs. "Come on."
She dragged me to the bedroom and pushed me on the bed.

Handcuffing my hands to the headboard, "You have the right to" She said before crashing her lips into mine. At this very moment I can't tell if I'm attracted to her or afraid of her.

"Baby?" I called as she unbuckled my pants.


"Are you okay? Like, is there something you need to talk about? Is this a cry for help?"

"What are you talking about?" She said pausing.

"You seem a bit off today."

"Off? What are you trying to say? Something has to be wrong with me for me to wanna spend time with my man?"

"No I-"

"Are you fucking another bitch? Is that what this is about?"

"No. I'm not having sexual relations with anyone but you." I said completely thrown off by the question and her language.

"Oh my are! Is she even as pretty as I am- Is...Is she white? Oh my god you're leaving me for a white bitch?!"

"No, I don't even know any...white bitches...please just calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down you...CHEATER!!" She yelled getting up and putting on some sweats.

"No baby wait- where are you going?" I asked watching her grab her purse and her phone.

"Far away from your cheating ass!!"

"I'm not cheating!! You can't just leave me here."

"Watch me."


"Tell Becky I said she can have your lying ass!" She said before slamming the front door. I can't believe this, like she actually left me here. I heard the front door open again along with sniffles.


"I forgot my car keys!" She sobbed.

"Toni I love you! I would never cheat on you because no one will ever make me as happy as you do."

Wiping her face, "Really?"


"Aww I love you too baby."

"Good. Now can you uncuff me please?"

She looked around for the key...and she kept looking....and looking....and looking. "Okay, funny story...I can't find the key."


"Please don't yell at me." She said getting emotional again.

"I'm sorry. Okay where did you have it last?" I asked trying to stay calm.

"I kinda don't remember."

"YOU DON- you don't remember? Well what the hell are we supposed to do now?"

"Oh I have an idea."

She got up and went into the bathroom. She came back and straddled me trying to reach my wrists. Her breast were all in my face and I was loving it. Soon enough my hands were free.

"Bobby pins come through every time." She said proudly.

"Good because now it's your turn."

"Wait, what?"

"Relax I'm sure we'll find the key by the time I'm done." I said unzipping her top.

Just a lil something🤗.

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