Chapter 12

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2 weeks later...


I thought Kenny and I were getting close but lately he's been blowing everyone off. He became really popular since the party and it's going to his head according to Malik. This newfound popularity has made him so different.

"Ladies, ladies, there is plenty of Kenny to go around. You're way too pretty to fight." I heard him say  to the group of girls crowded around him. I rolled my eyes as I walked past them.

"Hey girl, what are you doing Friday night?"Janet asked.

"Nothing you know I'm still grounded."


"Why can't you just tell your dad the truth?" Taraji cut in.

"Because he still thinks Kenny is a saint so he won't believe me."

"Maybe you should ask Kenny to talk to him."


"Well it would mean a lot if you came to my mom's dinner. She's celebrating being 5 years sober and you two are like family so..." Janet exclaimed with a hopeful look.

"I'll be there." Taraji said.

"I'll try my best." I added.

Janet's mom is like a second mom to me. She was an alcoholic when we were in middle school but she's been doing well these past few years. I really want to be there to celebrate with her.

After our first class I decided to talk to Ken. He was hanging with some obnoxious guys that were super loud.

"Hey Ken, can we talk?" I asked.

He ignored me and kept talking and the guys laughed. I tapped his shoulder and he still ignored me. He was making me so mad.

"KENNY!!" I yelled and he sighed before turning to me.


"We need to talk."

"Well talk." He said rudely. As much as I wanted to walk away, this was important.

"I need you to tell my dad the truth about what happened after Destiny's party. There's somewhere I need to be Friday and-"

"Toni. I'm not doing that, I didn't tell you to take the blame for me. I guess love does make you stupid, huh?" He said as his new posse egged him on.

"Lov- What? Kenny I'm serious."

"Whatever Toni."

"Who are you right now? Scratch that, who are you trying to be?"

"What are you talking about now?"

"You're acting like you're all big and bad but two weeks ago you were a churchy little nerd- Oh wait! You were a fraud then too. Would the real Kenny Edmonds please come forward?!" I said earning some oohs from the small crowd we gained.

"I'm a fraud? You're the one out here making everyone think you're an angel. Oh wait! That's your stage name right? That's what they call you at that club you used to shake your ass at."

I couldn't believe he would sell me out like that. Everyone was shocked even my friends were speechless. It was so quiet you could hear a pen drop. I much as I wanted to I refused to cry.

"Yeah I worked there. It wasn't the smartest thing, but I had my reasons..." I admitted.

"Save us the sob story Tone."

"What reason do you have for being an asshole? You wanted attention? Well you got it. You got so much that you couldn't even answer the phone last week when Malik called you. His father died Kenny. He needed his friend but you were too busy trying to be someone you're not." I said. He was shocked and didn't know what to say.

"Not only did you lose the only group of real friends you had, but you also lost yourself along the way. I used to like you Ken, you understood me when no one else did. But now, I don't even know you anymore." I finished. I walked away and decided to just leave school all together. I've had enough embarrassment for one day.

I decided to just go home. When I got there I frowned seeing my parents' cars in the driveway. They're usually not home this early. I opened the front door and they were sitting on the couch.

"You're home early." My mom said with a hint of attitude in her voice.

"I wasn't feeling well..." I lied. I looked around and noticed a suitcase sitting near the door. "What's going on? Whose leaving?"

"You are." My dad said.


"I was in your room this morning and I found this." Mommy said sliding the paper I got from the abortion clinic across the table. It was just a list of things I could and couldn't do while my body was healing. I guess I forgot to throw it away.

"You went through my stuff?!"

"Watch your tone! I've had enough of your rebellion. First, you sneak out to a party and get drunk, now this?! And if that wasn't already bad, I got a call from sister Jones asking me how can I preach when my daughter is dancing in some club!! It's too much, you gotta go. I don't want you influencing your sisters." Dad said.

"Mom!" I looked at her with pleading eyes. She usually knows how to calm my dad down.

"I'm sorry sweetie but I'm with your father on this. We can't condone this behavior." She said.

"Where am I supposed to go?!"

"I don't know but you can't stay here anymore." My father said.

I attempted to wipe my tears but they just kept falling. I picked up my suitcase and walked out without saying another word to them.

I got in my car and sobbed as I laid my head on the steering wheel. 30 minutes had passed before I finally started the car. I didn't know where to go until it hit me. I made a U turn and drove to the only place I knew I couldn't be turned away from.

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