Chapter 39

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I sprinted to the door after the bell rang and opened it. "Mommy!!!" I squealed pulling her into a hug.

"Hey little girl. I hope I'm not too early." She said.

"No you're right on time. Where are the girls?"

"Getting the bags. Is Kenny's Mom here yet?"

"No, thank God."

"Well hopefully when she gets here everything will be peaceful. I'd hate to lose my religion this weekend." She said before coming inside.

I went outside to help the girls and they all bombarded me with hugs.

"We missed you." Umba said as they nodded in agreement.

"I missed you too."

After we got the bags we went inside.

"What y'all got to eat? I'm starving!" Tamar said walking into the kitchen.

"We're waiting for Ken's mother." I told her.

"She better hurry up."

"Mommy, where's Daddy?" I asked.

"He and his preacher friends went to some convention in St. Louis. He sends his love though."

"Hello everyone." Ken said coming down the stairs.

"Hey Kenny!" They all said in unison. He hugged them all as the doorbell again. I went to get it grudgingly knowing that it was his mother.

"'re here." She said.

"I live here."

"For now, but at least you're clothed... Here, take my bag." She said pushing her heavy ass suitcase in my hands.

I thought Ken was coming to take it but he passed me up to hug his mother. "Mom, Hi."

"Hello sweetheart."

"How was your flight?"

"It was well."

"Good. You remember Toni's family, right?" He said as they walked off. I threw her suitcase down and followed.

"Of course. I'm hungry."

"That's what I said." Tamar said.

"I can whip up something." I volunteered.

"Or we could order something." Rhonda suggested.

"I can order Chinese." Kenny says.
My sisters shrugged as he walked away to call the restaurant.



After I hung up, I went upstairs to get Mila because she should be waking up right about now. I'm nervous for her to meet them but this has to happen sooner than later. When I walked in the room she smiled and ran to me.

"Hey princess. Are you ready to meet your grandmas and aunts?"

I walked downstairs with her as Toni stood up.

"Are y'all babysitting?" Traci asked.

"She's so cute." Trina said.

"Can I hold her?" Tamar asked.

"Whose baby is this?" Ms. E asked. Tone and I exchanged looks before answering.


Everyone froze.

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