Chapter 28

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I jumped over the couch to hide myself as Ken came in with a small group of people. One of them being his mother. "Girl why is it that every time I see you, your clothes are lost?" She asked. I can't stand her ass but I play nice. After fixing my robe I stood up.

"Hi Mrs. Edmonds. It's always a pleasure to see you." I lied with a fake smile.

"Hey baby." Kenny said as he pecked my lips. "My mom wanted to see me for my birthday so she's stay here with us. You don't mind do you?"

Yes I mind!

"No, of course not."

"Cool, oh this is my aunt Joyce, my cousins Skipper and Candace, and these are my friends Bobby, Johnny, Keith, and Tevin."

"Kenny can I talk to you? In private." I didn't give him a chance to answer I just dragged him to the bedroom while hiding behind him at the same time.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me you were bringing people over? Especially your judgmental ass mama!" I whispered.

"I did tell you. I texted you 2 hours ago. And my mom is not judgmental...she just speaks her mind a lot." He said.

"Whatever. This is so embarrassing."

"It's not that bad-"

"Not that bad? Look at me!!" I said opening my robe.

" that like one long piece of fabric or just strips that you put on your important parts?"


"Baby I'm just kidding. I'm sure no one saw it except me and my mom."

"That's the bad part, she already thinks I'm a slut."

"It'll be fine Tone. Just change and come out."

I rolled my eyes as he pecked my lips. I put on some jeans and a cropped hoodie and we walked out.

"I see you found your clothes." Rhonda said.

"Mom." Kenny warned.

Can this night get any worse?

"Ooh baby are the gifts for me? Yay!" He said happily. I looked in fear as he started peeling the paper off the wrapped up photo. I forgot those were there.

"Yeah but don't open tha-" it was too late he had tore the paper off the largest one that I was about tell him not to touch. Everyone could see the picture and they all gasped. Yep, this night just got worse.

"Oh my lord!" Rhonda said as Joyce clutched her pearls.

"Daaaammmnn." Kenny's friends said with their heads tilted.

*Had to remove the image because of Wattpad's bitch ass*....sorry guys

Why is this happening to me? I'm a nice person.

"Wow." Ken said with a grin.
I went and stood in front of the picture which didn't help because it was gigantic.

"I can explain..." I said. They all looked at me waiting for me to speak. "Okay nevermind, I can't." I whined.

I nudged Kenny who was practically drooling. He took it into the bedroom and as I awkwardly stood there in front of his family and friends. "Whose hungry?" I said awkwardly.



Dinner was awkward and quiet. I guess I should have waited but I got excited. I knew she got me something besides those ugly ass socks. Toni is so embarrassed and my aunt Joyce is pretty shaken up. The guys are trying not to laugh and I'm pretty sure Candace is tweeting about it right now. My mother is giving Toni all types of dirty looks.
"The steak is delicious." I said to Toni breaking the silence.


"These mash potatoes are a bit lumpy." Mom said.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Toni said.

"So do you take naked pictures all the time or...?"

"You know what? I'm not hungry anymore, excuse me." She said getting up from the table.

"Really?" I asked my mother as she rolled her eyes.

"I'm just asking a question. I don't know what possessed you to get involved with someone so classless. I'm sure she's the reason why you left home and moved here. She's not good enough for you son."

"Mom I left because I had to in order to follow my dreams. You're supposed to support me not talk down on every decision I make. I love Toni and you need to accept that or stay out of my life." I said sternly.

"I think I've had enough of your disrespect."

"Disrespect? What disrespectful is you coming to Atlanta unannounced just to check up on me and then disrespecting my wife."

"Well you know what? I don't want to disrespect your house any longer so I will just leave."

"Fine. Actually, everyone can go. Goodnight!"



This has to be one of the most embarrassing nights ever. I feel like I ruined Ken's birthday. His mom can be so judgmental and rude at times. If she wasn't his mother, I would snatch that dry ass wig off her head.

I was standing out on the terrace watching the stars when I heard some weird noises coming from under me. I couldn't see but I could hear that it was Donna and Isaac.

"Isaac I'm sorry!"

"Shut up! When I tell yo ass to be in this house when I get here I mean it!"

There were a couple popping sounds as Donna screamed. It sounded like he was beating her.

"Shut the fuck up!!" Isaac yelled as another popping sound followed.
I trembled in fear as I grabbed my phone. I called 911 because I didn't know what else to do. The only thing I could think about was that poor little girl having to see all of that.

When I hung up I went back inside to find everyone gone. "Where is everyone?"

"I sent them home." Kenny said as he cleaned off the last of everything that was in the table.

"Kenny I'm sorry."


"I ruined everything."

"Toni no, you made it better. It was crazy but I never get that type of action on my birthday." He chuckled.

"What about your mother?"

"She left. I told her that if she can't accept us she needs to stay out of my life forever." He said. I slapped him on the back of the head. "What was that for?"

"You can't talk to your mother like that Kenny. She can be the most judgmental, mean, condescending, loud-mouth, overbearing-"

"Okay baby, I get it. Damn." He said as I sighed.

"I'm saying that she can be all that but she's still your mother. The woman who gave birth to one of the most incredible people I've ever met. So you need to apologize."

"That's why I love you."

"I love you too."

"So you know I haven't had dessert yet?" He said pulling me into him.

"Your cake is in the fridge." I joked.

"I'm looking for another type of cake."

"I think I can handle that."

"I'll get the whip cream."

"That's so disgusting.....bring the cherries too."

I just noticed I have like 91 followers. Thank you! If I get to 100.....👀😈🤗

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