Chapter 23

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As soon as my dad came in, I rushed upstairs to my room and locked the door. I called Taraji because as crazy as she is, she always calms my nerves.

Taraji: Girl, why didn't you just go?

Toni: Because I need my high school diploma. Am I the only one who cares about that?

Taraji: No but do you remember when we did summer school sophomore year to get a head start on some classes?

Toni: Yeah.

Taraji: Well, I talked to my counselor and I'm basically already a high school graduate. I got my diploma yesterday. I'm just going to school for theatre club and prom.

Toni: Congratulations.

Taraji: Thanks but you missed the point. We took the same classes...

Toni: Oh shit!

Taraji: There you go. So bring your ass back to Severn High and then talk to Mr. Gibson.

There was a knock on the door. "I'll call you back." I said to Taraji before hanging up. "Come in!"

My dad walked in and closed the door behind him. He sat down on my bed next to me. "Toni, I want you to come home. This is getting out of hand and it partially my fault." He said.


"I wasn't the one out there acting a fool, you were. But, I can admit I was a little harsh on some things and I'm sorry."

I nodded at his half-ass apology.

"Why Toni? Why the club? The abortion? The constant sneaking out?"

"Because you and mommy were so busy with the girls that you barely paid attention to me. I felt like Keri was the only person who cared, so when he asked for sex I felt like I had to. I got pregnant and I knew a baby would mess up everything. I needed a quick way to get the money for the abortion and I heard these girls talking about the club. I went there and they hired me on the spot."

My dad had his face in his hands as he listened. He couldn't even look at me.

"I was supposed to quit a long time ago but I liked it. Then this producer told me how pretty and talented I was and he wanted me to audition. He turned out to be a creep but Kenny saved me. He always does. I made some terrible decisions and I'm sorry-"

"No. I'm sorry, I failed you. You're smart, independent, and most of the time you do make good decisions. I just thought because of that, you didn't need us there to hold your hand anymore."

"I'll always need you dad."

"I understand and I'm sorry. I love you." He said as we hugged.

"I love you too."

"Oh this is just beautiful." Grandma said peeping through the door. "Mom were you eavesdropping?" My dad asked.

"Boy this is my house. If your lil yellow tail wants some privacy you can sit outside. Now, when are y'all leaving?"

"I thought you said I could stay here?" I asked jokingly.

"Oh no ma'am. Y'all made up so that's over. I've been telling Wilbert he couldn't come over for a while because you were here. Grandma has needs and you're interfering so you have to go."

"I think I'm going to be sick." My dad said as I nodded in agreement.

"Hush boy. How do you think you got here? You know Eugene wasn't your real daddy."

"Mom!! Are you saying that Wilbert is my father?"

Grandma paused for a minute as I watched in shock.

"Honestly, I don't know who your daddy was. Son, your mama was a bit of a hoe." She admitted.

"Toni let's go." Dad said shaking his head.

He walked out ahead of me as I packed my stuff. Just as I finished my grandma came back. "Sweet pea, your friend Shampoo is here to see you."

"It's Shemar." I chuckled.

"Yeah Shamrock, that's what I said."

I ran downstairs to see Shemar standing at the door while my dad looked him up and down with a stank face.

"Hey Shemar, this is my father Michael."

"Nice to meet you sir." Shemar said attempting to shake his hand. My dad didn't move a muscle.

"I wish I could say the same." He said making my eyes widen.

"Anyway what are you doing here?" I said changing the subject.

"Well I came to drop off your notebook, you left it in my car. It's looks like you're leaving."

"I am. It was nice knowing you but I have to figure out my life and it's not here."

"It's with him?" He asked referring to Ken.


"So he did find you."

"What do you mean?"

"He came to school the other day looking for you and I told him I never saw you."

"Why would you do that?! I was there that day and you know it!"

"Because I like you and I figured if he never found you then I would have a chance! We have a connection, don't you feel it?" He said.

"Shemar I told you I didn't want you. You could have ruined my life! You should leave and lose my number."

He walked out looking defeated as I scoffed. My dad placed his hand on my shoulder. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Let's go."

The next day


I was in my meeting with Mr. Davis and I've just finished signing my contract. Everything seems to be looking up, minus the fact that Toni isn't here with me.

"So Kenny, I was thinking you need a stage name." Clive Davis said.

"What's wrong with my birth name?"

"It's boring." He said blatantly making me frown a bit. "Antonio has one...L.A. Reid. That's something memorable and entertaining."

Antonio is this guy Clive teamed me up with. We have the same taste in music so it was a perfect match.

"I don't know what my stage name should be-" I was interrupted by my phone. I smiled seeing that it was Toni. I answered it putting it in speaker; something I did out of habit. "Hello?"

"Hi my little babyface!! How's Atlanta?" Toni's voice said loudly.

The guys snicker as I rolled my eyes. I hate when she calls me that. I took the call outside and came back.

"Wife." I said.

"Nice pet name little Babyface." L.A. chuckled before Clive stopped him.

"Wait, that's it! That's your stage name. I can see now...ladies and gentlemen please welcome Kenny 'Babyface' Edmonds! It's perfect." Clive said.

"I can dig it." L.A. agreed.

"Okay, fine. When I get laughed off the stage I'm blaming you two."

"Oh please, they'll love you. Tomorrow we start working. Until then, I paid a year lease on a penthouse for each of you. You can pay me back after you first album goes platinum." Clive said handing us a key.

"Thank you sir."

"You're welcome. Don't forget 8am sharp. Time is money."

Bound to the Past sequel coming real soon (sometime this week). Plus, I get to update more since the first day of school is delayed for me 😁

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