Chapter 16

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Ken and I ran out of the Baltimore courthouse in triumph. We made it there just 30 minutes before they closed and we did it, we got married. I have to say it was quite liberating especially since our parents don't know. Although we're both super happy, there's still that thought in the back of our heads that says our parents are gonna kill us.

We were walking to the car when we passed by a group of guys. One of them whistled at me. "Hey sexy." He said grinning. Kenny was about to turn around but I squeezed his hands and we started to walk faster.

"Aye bitch! Don't you here my nigga talkin to you!" The other guy yelled. Kenny stopped walking and I gulped. I didn't want him getting beat up. Especially when we were alone out here.

"Who do you think you're talking to?" Ken asked walking towards them.

"Ken, just ignore them please." I begged. I don't want him to get hurt.

"No Tone. He's disrespecting you and I'm not having it." Ken said.

"I was talking to that fine ass bitch you walking with. I know she ain't with yo Steve Urkel lookin' ass." The guy said walking closer to Ken.

"Don't you ever disrespect her like that again."

"Or what? What the fuck you gon do?" The thug asked pushing Kenny down.

"Ken!!" I yelled.

"Stay back Tone."

Oh my gosh!! They're gonna kill us both! It's 4 of them and 2 of us. There's no way we're gonna get out of this alive.

"Yeah stay back baby. We don't want to ruin that pretty face before I see what that mouth does." The whistler said.

Ken charged towards the whistler and the other one slapped Ken making his body spin around and fall to the ground again. I yelled for them to stop and they just laughed me off.

"Damn Junebug you just bitch slapped that dude!" The whistler laughed.

Ken got up and let out a breath. He turned around and punched the guy square in his face knocking him out cold and making all of our jaws drop.

"DAAAMMMNNN!" The guys said in unison.

"Don't. Ever. Disrespect. My. Woman." Ken said kicking the guy with every word. "And don't put your filthy hands on my clean face either!!" He said kicking him in the face one last time. He looked at the other guys who were silent.

"Anybody else want some of this?!"

"Nah man, we good. Sorry to bother you Ms. Lady." One of the them said.

They all took off and Ken sighed in relief. "Whew! I was thought they were gonna kick my ass." He said holding his chest. "Let's get out of here before he wakes up."

He grabbed my hand and we got in the car and drove off. I was still silent, I was scared, shocked, and a little turned on all at the same time.

We went to a hotel not too far away. I don't know what Ken said to the concierge but they gave us one of the best rooms in the building. He carried me in and sat me on the bed as I laughed. Room service brought us a bottle of champagne and I popped it open and poured a glass for each of us.

"I can't believe you did that! You were a mad man out there." I said still in shock.

"I know, but he put his filthy rotten hands on my face. Do you know how much cream I have to put on to keep my skin this velvety and soft? Now I gotta use regular soap to wash it so a pimple won't form."
He said looking in the mirror.

I shook my head as I sipped from my glass. He came and sat next to me. "Of course I was defending you too. It pissed me off seeing those low-lifes disrespect you like that. I would do it again in a heartbeat."

"My hero." I said kissing his lips.


I took a shower and washed my face thoroughly. I got out and applied my moisturizer. After letting it sit for a minute I washed it off.

"Ken are you almost done?" I heard Toni ask through the door.

"Just a minute my love."

"What are you doing in there?"


I applied my face cream and smiled at myself in the mirror. I walked out of the bathroom and saw my wife of 2 hours sitting on the bed wearing a black robe.

She stood up and wrapped her arms around my neck. She frowned as she ran her hand across my shoulder.

"Why are you so greasy?"

"Those are just my natural juices."


"Ok fine it's baby oil...I can't go to sleep with rough skin Toni."

"And I thought I was vain. You definitely win." She chuckled. "Anyway, since it's your first time I figured we'd get straight to the point. The cute and lacy stuff can come later."

"Ok..." I said not really following.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?"


I think I am. She nodded and untied her robe. She opened it and I nearly fainted. I've never seen a naked woman before so I didn't know where to look. On top of that, my body was reacting and she wasn't even touch me this time.



"Ken?" I called. He's been staring at me with his mouth wide open for about 3 minutes now.

"Oh. My. God." was all he could say.

I saw that he was...excited, so I figured it was okay to continue. I chuckled as I pulled him towards me. We kissed and pushed him on the bed.

"I'll take control this time, okay?"

"Mhmm." He nodded.

1 hour later...

"That was...AWESOME!!" He said as we both caught our breaths. I laid there in shock.

"I can't believe that was your first time."

"I catch on quickly."

"Yes you do."

He was a bit nervous at first but once he got the hang of it, it was amazing.

"Is it like that all the time?" He asked.

"I hope so."

"Nice. We should do that again...."


"Tomorrow, I'm a little worn out. Goodnight baby." He said wrapping his arm around me.

"Goodnight Ken."

I snuggled into him and fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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