Chapter 5

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I tried not to look but it was like my eyes were stuck. She finished and picked up the cash before prancing off the stage. Malik came running up to me a few seconds later.

"Hey bro we-"

"We need to get out of here." I interrupted.

"Ok fine, let's go."

We went back to his house I got in my car and drove to the Braxton house. Just my luck, Toni pulled up to the house at the same time I did.

"Hey Ken." She said as I got out of the car.

"H-Hey Tone." I said avoiding eye contact. I went into the house and went straight to my room. I buried my face in my hands trying to get those images out of my head, but I failed miserably.

I took a shower and I still couldn't stop thinking about her. When I got out I went into the room and she was sitting in my bed. I blinked like 5 times to make sure I wasn't dreaming, but she was really there. I used my arms to cover my chest because I had on nothing but a towel.

"Ken calm down, you don't have anything I haven't seen before." She chuckled.

"What are you doing in here?"

"Are you gonna tell?" She asked.

What is she talking about?

"Come on Kenny I saw you there and the smell of cigarettes, alcohol and cheap perfume is all in your clothes now. Plus you have glitter on the bottom of your shoes."

"Okay you're right I was there but I promise I didn't follow you. I've never even been there before, it was-"

"Ken it's cool. I just need to know that you're not gonna say anything."

"Toni I'm not really a keeping secrets and telling lies kinda guy. Because I'm-"

"I know, you're saved and you got a first class ticket to heaven. But for once can you keep this to yourself? Please Ken."

"Okay my lips are sealed." I sighed.

"Thank you." She said kissing my cheek hugging me. She was still hugging me after 5 seconds and my body tends to react after that time limit. Oh no...oh no.

"Oh my gosh." She gasped looking down at it.

"I'm so sorry. It's just that I'm naked and you were hugging me too long and-"

"It happens after 3 seconds?"

"No more like 5 but not in like...regular numbers but like 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi-"

"Goodnight Ken."

"Goodnight. I'm not a perv I promise." I said as she walked out. I plopped down on my bed and hit my face with a pillow. She's probably never gonna talk to me again.



I woke up ready to get the day over with. I passed by Kenny's room and chuckled thinking about our encounter last night. Aside from his awkwardness he is really cute.
He opened the door and stared at me in fear. "Good morning." I said giggling.

"I'm not a perv."

"Um...Good to know."

"I'm sorry it's just that I feel so bad about last night and then the whole hugging thing and-"

"It's fine Kenny its natural. And just remember to keep the other thing between us."

He nodded as I was about to walk away. "Wait!"

I turned around.

"Why? Why do you work there?" He asked.

"I needed the money." I said.

"Can't you ask your parents?

"Let's just go downstairs okay?"

He nodded once again before we went into the kitchen and ate breakfast.

After breakfast I went to the mall with Taraji and Janet. As we were picking out clothes we talked about our lives at home.

"So, Toni how is Keri dealing with you living with Kenny?" Janet asked.

"He doesn't know because it's none of his business."

"What happened with you two?"

"You know Jasmine Oxford?"

"Yeah she's such a slut..." Taraji said shaking her head.

"Well she's Keri's slut too. He lied about going to that party and then cheated on me with her. She's not even pretty."

"I understand. Cheating is one thing, but cheating with an ugly bitch is a whole other level of disrespect." She said making Janet laugh.


"So what's Kenny like? He has to be cool if you introduced him to us." Janet asked.

"Damn Jan you make it sound like we're dating." I chuckled. "I introduced him to you because he has no friends except the weird kid Malik. He's a nice, friendly, christian, smart guy....but there's something off about him."

"T, there's nothing wrong with him, you're just jealous because he's everything your dad wants in a child." She chuckled.

"You know my dad barely talks to me when he's around? It's so annoying and don't even get me started on how he almost got me in trouble." I complained and they gave me a look. "What?"

They shook their heads and whispered something to each other as I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

The next day...


"Okay after breakfast I want you all dressed for church by 9:15. I don't wanna be la-"

Mr. B was interrupted by Toni who got up and ran to the bathroom.
"I'll go check on her." Ms. Evelyn said.

When we finished the rest of the girls and I went to get dressed. I put on my suit and a tie that my dad used to wear. He was the church deacon before he died in a car accident. Mr. Braxton has been looking out for me ever since.

When I was done, I checked myself in the mirror. Satisfied with my look, I grabbed my bible and went downstairs.

Eventually everyone except Toni was downstairs. Ms. Evelyn came down and said Toni had some type of stomach virus and she was gonna stay home. I hope I didn't catch it when I hugged her the other night.

We all piled into Mr. Braxton's mini van and drove to church.



After making sure the coast was clear, I grabbed my car keys and my purse. I drove to a clinic in Baltimore and walked in. A few minutes after I signed in they called me back.

"Ms. Braxton, are you sure you wanna do this? Once we start there's no going back..." the doctor warned.

"I'm sure." I said laying back.

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