Chapter 9

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I couldn't just sit around and do nothing while Toni went to that audition. So, I did the unthinkable. I snuck out and drove into the city. I prayed that she was okay.

There were at least 7 hotels in Baltimore. I couldn't go in all of them so I just drove through each parking lot to see if I saw her car.
As I was driving through the parking lot of the third hotel, some silly person ran in front of my car. I honked the horn and they stopped. After I saw their face I got out of the car.

"Toni!" I called and she ran to me.

"Are you alright?" I asked examining her. Her top was open and her hair was in disheveled. "Ton-"

She cut me off passing out in my arms. I gasped not knowing what to do. I couldn't take her home like this, so I picked her up bridal style and put her in the car. I drove to the hospital nearby and ran inside.

After sitting in the lobby for about an hour, the doctor returned.
"Are you family?" The doctor asked. If I don't say the right thing she's gonna call Mr. Braxton and we'll both be in trouble. I promised Toni I would cover for her. I can't believe I'm about to do this.

"Yes. I'm the...husband." I lied.

"Wow you look so young."

"We get that a lot."

"Well she's awake. There was a large dosage of sleeping pills on her system. She told us what happened and the police are handling it. It's a good thing she got away in time."

"When can she be released?"

"Give me a few moments." She said and I nodded sitting back down. Ten minutes later, Toni emerged from the back. We walked out and got into my car. I drove to the house in silence and parked in the driveway.

I wanted to get out but it was so much going through my head, I couldn't even put my hand on the door.

"I should have listened to you. I'm sorry Ken." She said breaking the silence between us.

"What happened to you Tone?"

"They um...they tried to rape me. All four of them were gonna..." She trailed off as tears flowed from her eyes. "I fought like hell to get outta there. I didn't think I would make it, I was so scared."

"Im sorry you had to go through that Tone." I said grabbing her hand.

"How did you know to come find me?"

"After you left I figured that I rather make sure you're safe and have you hate me than for something to happen to you. I guess I failed at both."

"I don't hate you Ken and thankfully nothing happened. You were right all along if I had listened I wou-"

"Tone don't blame yourself. You saw a great opportunity for yourself and you took it. You didn't know that these sick people would do this."

"So you don't think I'm in idiot?" She asked and I sighed.

"No. At least you know who you are and what you want out of life."



I found his choice of words intriguing. What was he saying?

"Is this about you wanting to be a pastor?" I asked and he nodded before he spoke.

"Honestly, it's what my mom wants me to do. I guess I may have said or did something that gave her the idea and she ran with it. She seemed so proud of me so I just went along with it."

My jaw dropped at his statements.

"So you're telling me that your mom and my parents are damn near kissing the ground you walk on because you let them believe you wanted be a preacher?!" I asked in disbelief.

"I know this looks bad-"

"Why Kenny? Why didn't you just tell the truth?"

"Because your dad was there for me, okay?!" He said making my eyes soften. "My Dad died when I was 7. You don't know what it's like growing up without a dad around. Your dad looked out for me, so if being a pastor meant having a father figure in my life again then so be it." He said.

I sighed squeezing his hand a little.

"At one point it was what I wanted. Because I wished to be half as awesome as your dad. I struggle everyday to be perfect just to get admiration from him." He finished.

"So what is it that you want?" I asked.

"I want the same thing you want. I wanna sing, write, produce, all of it! Don't get me wrong I love God, but I don't want to preach. Music is where I find my happy place."

"So that's what's in that notebook of secrets?"

"Umm yeah."

I opened the door and got out of the car. He did the same with an embarrassed look on his face. I grabbed his hand and lead him to the storage house out back. When we walked in I saw his notebook sitting on the piano as I sat down. He sat next to me as I picked it up and handed to him. "Let me hear something." I said.

He smiled taking it from me. After flipping through a couple pages he began playing.

"Girl, it's been a long, long time comin'
But I, I know that it's been worth the wait
It feels like springtime in winter
It feels like Christmas in June
It feels like heaven has opened up it's gates for me and you

And every time I close my eyes
I thank the lord that I've got you
And you've got me too
And every time I think of it
I pinch myself 'cause
I don't believe it's true
That someone like you
Loves me too" he sang looking ne straight in the eye. He finished and there was an awkward silence between us.

I don't know why but I leaned in and kissed his lips. Surprisingly he kissed back as his hand rested on my waist. He pulled away and smiled at me.

"Goodnight Toni."

"Goodnight husband." I said making him blush. I snuck in the house and into my room. After taking a shower, I fell asleep with Kenny heavily on my mind.

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