Chapter 7

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I was talking to Malik when Keri and his crew came up to me.
"Did you finish my homework church nerd?!"

"No. I'm not gonna keep doing your work for you." I said sternly.

"Oh really?"


He punched me in the face and I fell to the floor. My project fell next to me and he used his foot to smash it. He and his boys laughed as they walked off. The bell rung signaling that I was late for class. I've had perfect attendance for the past 3 years and now I'm late. Plus, I'm about to get my first F.

"Kenny! Are you alright? What happened?" Toni and her friends asked as they ran up to me.

"Well I took your advice and I got myself a black eye and a smashed project." I said to Toni.

"We can fix it-"

"No we're already late and there's no fixing this."

"Janet can have it done in 5 minutes." Taraji said as Janet nodded.

"I'll go to class and text you what's going on." Toni said before walking off.

Malik and Janet walked away with my project leaving me and Taraji.

"Well let's go to the nurse." She said.



I walked into class and our teacher frowned at me. "Sorry I'm late Mrs. Whitaker, it won't happen again."

"Anyway, the list for presentations will go in order by last name. First is Taylor Applebottom, Lisa Axle, Toni Braxton...Jeremy Davis isn't here, so Kenny Edmonds will go after Toni. Then Taraji Henson, Janet Jackson..."

I sighed and texted Janet asking how long it will take.

JJ💕: It's gonna take longer than we thought. You may have to stall.

I cursed under my breath as the first girl finished. The second girl went and they still weren't back yet.

"Ms. Braxton, it's your turn." Mrs. Whitaker said. I slowly got up and walked to the front. "A little faster Toni we don't have all day." She said as some people snickered. I made it to the front and held up my project.

" name is Toni Michele Braxton. That's T-O-N-I then a space, then M-I-C-"

"Toni we know your name, present your project please."

"Well my project is about Plant Cells vs. Animal Cells..." I looked at the door and there was still no sign of them. "Do any of you know where babies come from?"

"Toni, please stay in topic."

"Well um...the-"

"Sorry we're late!" Janet said as they all came through the door. I sighed in relief.

"Yeah, there was an emergency." Taraji agreed. The girls and I did our hand shake as they took their seats. Kenny winked at me and I think I blushed a bit.

After everyone presented their projects it was time for lunch. I walked in with Taraji, Janet, Kenny, and his friend Malik. I saw Keri sitting at a table with the rest of the football players. There was some hoe sitting on his lap.

"That asshole." Janet said as we all stared at them.

"I'm going over there, but do I look?"

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