Chapter 27

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If you're horny, let's do it.
Ride it, my Pony
My saddle's, waiting
Come and, jump on it!

I laughed hysterically at Kenny's dance moves. He looked like rejected Chip and Dale dancer but he was trying. He started to shake his butt in my face making me laugh even harder.

"Yesss baby!" I said throwing some singles on him.

He turned around and put his foot on the bed beside me. He started slow grinding in my face as I cheered him on. As the song died down he fell on the bed.

"I'm tired as hell." He laughed.

"You did good."

"I know."

"Whatever. Anyway, someone's birthday is tomorrow." I said poking him.

"Mine. What did you get me?"

"You have to wait and see."

"Can I guess?" He asked eagerly.

"Go ahead."



"A motorcycle?"

"Hell no. Now get dressed, I'm hungry."

After Ken got dressed we headed out the door. As soon as I opened it I saw this adorable little girl in our doorstep looking up at us.

"Hi cutie. Where did you come from?" I said kneeling down to her level. She said nothing she just stared at me. She looked no older than about 3.

"Tone, I think we should call the police."

"Maybe she lives in this building and she's just lost. Do you know where your mommy is?"

Silence. She's probably scared.

"Oh my God! Mila we were looking all over you!" Some lady said as she ran to the little girl and picked her up. The woman looked at us. "I'm so sorry. I looked away for a second and she was gone."

"That must have been a long second." Kenny said and I nudged him.

"What he means is it's okay. We're glad you found her. She's adorable and very quiet." I said with a smile.

"Thank you. I'm Donna and this my husband Isaac." She said pointing to the man behind her.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Toni, this is my husband Kenny."

"Donna." Isaac said. He was strange and kinda off.

"Well we have to go. Again I'm sorry about her. It won't happen again. Bye." She said walking away. The got on the elevators and left.

"She's lying. What toddler takes an elevator to the top floor in one second? She didn't look away she just wasn't watching her in the first place." Kenny said.

"Kenny stop judging that woman's parenting and come on." I chuckled grabbing his arm.



"Okay what did you buy me for my birthday?" I asked Toni for the fourth time as the waiter handed us our drinks.

"Kenny what part of it's a surprise don't you get?" She asked.

"I just wanna know."

"Well here's a hint; it's something you'll like."

"That's not a hint."

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