Chapter 37

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"No. No. No! NO! UGH!!" I groaned going down the line of pregnancy tests I took. All of them read positive.

"I can't believe I'm pregnant." I sighed sitting on the bathroom floor. I looked at Mila who was frowning at me, "Stop judging me."

I heard the front door open and I picked all the tests up. I put them in my feminine bag where I knew Ken wouldn't look and washed my hands. I closed the bathroom door as he came in the bedroom. We stared at each other and he walked past me and picked up Mila.

Of course he's not talking to me because of this record label thing and I'm not talking to him either. Speaking of which, I have a meeting with them today.

I grabbed my purse and my phone before heading for the-

"So you're really just gonna go to this meeting?!" He asked making me freeze.

"How the hell did you know that?" I asked knowing damn well he didn't go through my phone...

"I checked your phone. I saw you texting Taraji about it right after you called my mother a saggy breast she-devil."

"Sorry about that. Why the hell were you going through my phone anyway?! Is that what we're doing now?"

"Because you left it unlocked."

"Oh...Well then yes I'm going. Goodbye."

I can't believe him. I drove to Atlantic which wasn't far away and parked. After checking my makeup I went in.

"Hi welcome to Atlantic." The receptionist said nicely.

"Hi. I'm Toni, and I'm here to see Jeff."

"Okay, I'll let him know you're here."

I took walked around the lobby staring at photos of different celebrities. "Whoa that's Cher." I whispered to myself.

"I am." I heard from behind me. I turned around and held in a scream.

"Oh my God, you're Cher!" I said as she smiled.

"Toni! Thanks for coming, Cher this is Toni Braxton future superstar." Jeff says.

"Nice to meet you Toni. Thanks for the meeting Jeff, see ya."

She walked out and I looked at Jeff, "That was Cher!"

"Yes and you're Toni, I'm Jeff, water is wet, and the sky is blue. Let's go." He chuckled grabbing my hand and leading me to the elevator.



"Can you believe her?" I asked in outrage pacing back and forth.


"Right, she actually- Oh my God! You said your first word!" I said racing towards Mila.

"No! UGH! Shit!"

"Whoa okay now, that's a bad word."

"Pwegnant!" She yelled as I picked her up. I chuckled at her just spitting out words.

"Pregnant? Whose pregnant?"

She stayed quiet for a minute then looked at me. "Daddy!" She said hugging my neck and my eyes widened.



"We would love to have you here at Atlantic." The owner of the label said as Jeff smiled at me.

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