Chapter 21

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"Ken what are you doing here? How did you get here?" I asked Kenny as we helped him dry off.

"Well I needed to find you. I came two days ago and stayed at this disgusting motel and then they started shooting, so I left. I slept in my car and during the day I went to every high school in town looking for you but I couldn't. I gave up and was leaving town until the storm came. My car stopped over the bridge so I walked to the station and now here I am."

"You walked 15 miles?!"

"I couldn't just sit there."

"You could have gotten yourself killed!" I said slapping his arm.

"Ouch. Okay I get that, but I'm alright. See?" He said with a smile.

"Well Kenny are you hungry?" My grandma asked.


"I'll be right back."

"I can't believe you did all that for me." I said to him as we sat on the couch.

"I'd do anything for you."

I smiled as grandma came back into the room. "Okay, the food is ready and I have a guest room upstairs where you can shower and change."

"Thank you ma'am."

"You're welcome and please call me Lorraine."



I'm so glad I found Toni, even though I was about give up. It's almost like fate brought me here and now I know I can't leave without her. I just hope she agrees to being with me and going to Atlanta.

After I ate, Toni's grandmother Lorraine took me to the guest room. I thanked her for her hospitality and took a shower.



"I can't believe he went through all of this just to find me." I said as my grandma and I cleaned up.

"I can. You can see it all over his face that he loves you. The question is; do you love him just as much?" She asked.

"I do. Maybe even more now."

"Then that's all that matters. Talk to him tomorrow. I'm going to bed, make sure you find yourself in your room tonight." She said giving me the side eye.

"I will." I said and she went upstairs and closed the door. I went to my room and laid there for a second. It usually only takes her ten minutes to fall asleep.

After waiting 15 minutes, I got out of bed and quietly opened the door. It was dark and still raining. I heard thunder and nearly jumped out of my skin. I tiptoed across the hall to Ken's room and slowly opened the door. "Ken?" I whispered and he mumbled something in his sleep.

I walked in and closed the door behind me. He opened his eyes as I crawled into bed with him.

"Hey." I whispered again.

"Hey, what are you doing in here?"

"Just checking on you. Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine, really."

"I'm sorry for everything. I said some fucked up stuff just to get under your skin and I lied to you. I understand if you still want to do the annulment."

"If I wanted to I wouldn't be here. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have judged you, it wasn't my place."

"So...we good?" I asked.

He placed a soft kiss on my lips.
"Oh wait..." he trailed off getting out of the bed. I sat up as he dug through his suitcase. I guess he found whatever he was looking for because he turned around hiding it behind his back.

"Look I know when we got married it was rushed and half done, but it was one of the best moments of my life. I also know what our parents want but honestly it doesn't matter. I want us to be together, grow old together, maybe have some kids whose heads are little  too big for their bodies and chase our dreams together. I guess what I'm trying to say is...will you...stay married to me?" He said revealing the box in his hand. He opened it and there was a diamond ring in it.

"It's not much but

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"It's not much but...-"

"It's perfect. Yes, I'll stay married to you." I say as a tear slipped down my cheek. He put the ring on my finger and I just stared at it.



I admired Toni as she admired the ring. Now I just have to convince her to come to Atlanta with me. Hopefully she'll agree and we'll figure out the rest.

Before I could say anything she softly put her lips against mine. She took control of the kiss as my hand rested on her hip. She lightly pushed me back on the bed before straddling me. We made out as she grinded her hips against me. She sat up and took off her shirt.

"Wait, Tone we're in your grandmother's house." I said still whispering.

"As long as you stay quiet, she'll never know."


She let out a slow and shaky sigh as she slid down on me. I held my breath trying not to moan. I gripped her waist as she leaned down pulling me into a fiery kiss. Tossing her head back, she rocked her body against mine while I prayed her grandmother didn't wake up. Married or not, I'm sure didn't want us having relations in her house.

Toni picked up the pace nearly sending me over the edge. She bit her lip and I lost it. I flipped us over and finished the job. I held on to the headboard to keep it from hitting the wall as I wildly thrust into her. She grabbed a pillow and put it over her face as I kept going faster, harder, deeper. She  held the pillow with one hand while the other left scratches on my back. I slowed down and we made love to rhythm of our heartbeats. Within a few hours, we climaxed together and drifted off to sleep.

My birfday is 2morrow😝 or 15 minutes if you're on CST 😂👑🎉

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