Chapter 34

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"Up, up, and away!" Kenny said swinging Mila in the air as she giggled. The other day Mary called saying that she couldn't find anyone in Mila's family willing and/or able to take her. They either couldn't or they didn't want to. However, this morning she called asking us to meet her at her office because she found some parents willing to adopt her.

"Kenny can you hold off on the airplane game until I put her shoes on?" I asked. He put her down and she came over to me. I sat her on the bed and put them on. When I finished she ran back to playing with her toys.

"Tone are you okay? You've been down all morning." He asked sitting on the bed.

"I'm fine Ken. Just tired, that's all."

"Well last night was pretty wild..." he laughed then stopped. "Okay really, what's wrong?"

"The reason we have to go Mary's office is because someone wants to adopt Mila."


"Just say it."

"Say what?"

"Say you told me so."

He hugged me as the tears streamed down my face. He kissed my forehead as I pulled away. "I wouldn't dare say that. Everything will be fine Tone."

"I wish that was true, but it's not. Hopefully whoever gets her knows how special she is." I said as we watched her playing.

"They will."

We left and drove to Mary's office. When we got there she was sitting with another couple. She stood up from her desk and smiled at us.

"Hi, thanks for coming. Mr. and Mrs. Jones, I would like you to meet Kenny and Toni Edmonds and this is Mila. Kenny, Toni, this is Ronald and Katie Jones." Mary introduced.

"Nice to meet you all." Ronald said shaking Ken's hand.

"Oh honey, she's perfect." Katie said to him in awe of Mila who was holding tightly to my neck.

"Richard and Katie are looking to adopt. I told them about Mila and they want her." Mary said as they nodded in agreement.

"We've been trying to conceive for almost 5 years and then we found out that Katie's barren. This was our only option." Richard told us.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Don't be, everything happens for a reason. May I hold her?" Katie asked. I nodded and handed Mila to her. They seemed to hit it off pretty well which made my heart sink.

"Well the paperwork is done we just need you two to sign a few papers." Mary said to us. I stared at the papers then at Katie and Mila before picking up the pen.



Toni handed the pen to me without even looking at me. I took it and signed my name next to hers. I knew it would hurt her but I didn't think it would effect me too. I really gonna miss that little girl.

"Well that's settled. It was a pleasure doing business with you all. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Jones."

They thanked her as Tone walked out of the office. I gave them a small smile before I followed her,
"Tone, wait!" I said and she froze. She turned around and tears once again streamed down her face.

"Ken I don't want her to go." She said finally.

"Why didn't you say something?"

"Did you see how happy that woman was? She's finally getting a chance to be mother. Who am I to stand in the way of that?"

I hugged her and she cried in my chest. Her body shook from the light sobs that left her. A few minutes later the door opened. Mila came running out towards us as Toni quickly wiped her eyes. We kneeled down to her level and hugged her. Katie and Richard came over as we stood up.

"She's allergic to cinnamon, she can't sleep without that bear, and you should leave a light on near her room at night, she doesn't like the dark." Toni said with a sad smile.

"Thanks for the heads up. Come on Mila." Katie said picking her up.
Mila reached her little hand out for us and started to cry as they walked down the hall. We drove home in silence. When we got there Toni went straight to bed.

I stood in the doorway "Tone?"

"I just want to be left alone Ken."

"I know something that will cheer you up."


"Singing. I wrote something just for you."


We went into the studio and I handed her the song I finally finished. "Ken, this is sad."

"It's a love song." I said.

"Another sad love song? How many of these are you going to write?"

"Well-....You just gave me an idea for another song." I smirked and she groaned. "Look, just try it."

"Fine, but-" she was cut off by her phone ringing.

"Hello?...hey, how did you get my num- WHAT?! Where are you...we're on our way!" She said before frantically hanging up.

"What's wrong?"

"There's something wrong with Mila."

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