Chapter 38

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"So now what? Because you can't stay here forever." Bobby asked. I've been staying in his guest room for the last 2 days.

"Well I talked to Ava the realtor and everything is set the interior decorator just finished." I replied.

"Then go home..."

"I can't."


"I'm scared." I said and he laughed a little too hard for my liking. "Bobby I'm serious. Toni may be small but she's strong and heavy-handed."

"Man go home. I'm sure she's more worried than angry. I'll say a little prayer for you just in case though." He says making me sigh. I went to pack my stuff.

I left his house and drove back to the penthouse. I prayed the whole way up the elevator and when I made it to our floor I slowly walked towards the door.

I opened the door and was met with two suitcases sitting near the wall. As I closed the door behind me, Toni came towards the front and stopped when she saw me.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"If you don't want this baby then fine, but I'm keeping it. I'm going back home and I'll get a job or something. I can do this on my own and I won't ask you for anything-"

"Wait, come here." I said pulling her towards the couch. "Look, I know I freaked out a little-"

"A little?! I haven't seen you in 2 days! Do you have any idea how worried I was? Why would you do that to me?!" She said in the verge of tears.

"I know and I'm sorry. The truth is I'm happy, but I'm scared. The day you told me you were pregnant, was the same day Mila called me dad and it scared the hell out of me. It hit me that we are responsible for a little life and now we have 2 tiny people to look out for."

"Ken I'm scared too but I can't just run away from this."

"You're right and I should have talked to you." I said. She looked away and I grabbed her hands and helped her stand as I did. "I wanna show you something."


"It's a surprise. Grab Mila and come on."




We were in the car; a new car which was a BMW X5. I looked in the backseat at Mila  who was sleeping in her new pink car seat.
Ken was smiling like he just won a million dollars. We pulled up to a house and it was really nice.

We got out and he grabbed Mila and went up to the door

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We got out and he grabbed Mila and went up to the door. The door opened and some lady stood smiling in the doorway. I guess this is her house.

"Kenny! Good to see you, come on everything is ready for you." Ken grabbed my hand and we walked inside.

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