Chapter 24

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We've been in the studio all day writing and recording. I've written so much that my fingers are numb. "Okay, done. How many is that?" I asked L.A. as I passed him another song.

"Umm...15. Wow, I only wrote 5." He replied.

"How's it coming?" Clive asked.

"We collectively have 20 songs. I've recorded 4 so far." I said.

"Nice! I want to talk to you two about something important."

"Are we getting fired?" L.A. asked.

"I feel like you two need to spread your wings. You're both talented especially you Kenny, and L.A. knows everything about this business, so I want you guys to have your own label within the company."

"But Clive no one knows us yet."

"I don't mean now, but sometime in the near future. I just want you to be prepared. I just know you're gonna be hitmakers."

He left out and L.A. and I exchanged looks.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"I think Clive is insane, but whatever. Let's get back to work."



I walked into the house with some exciting news. I've been back for three days and it's been good minus the fact that Ken isn't here.

"Hey sweetie, how was school?" Mommy asked.

"It was good and guess what?"


I handed her my diploma and she flipped out. "Oh my goodness!! Congratulations baby I'm so proud of you!" She said hugging me so tightly I could barely breathe.


"Wow...we should go out and celebrate. I'll call your father." She ran to get her phone as I sat down at the table.

When my dad arrived the whole family went out for seafood. We were sitting at the table reading our menus as Trina struck up a conversation. "So, Toni have you heard from Kenny?"

"I talked to him yesterday. He really likes Atlanta."

"Well that's great that he's doing what he loves. Isn't that right Michael?" Mommy said.

"I guess. I still think he would have been a good pastor-" Dad was cut off by all of us groaning. "What? He would have."

"Anyway, what are you doing after high school?" Towanda asked me.

"I don't know. I haven't decided yet."

"Well whatever it is we support you 100%." Mommy said.

"Really? Like whatever?"

"Except the circus Toni." Dad said.

"Dang it." I joked.

We all laughed. I really missed my family but there was obviously someone else in my mind.



L.A. and I had just finished gathering our stuff when Clive came into the studio. "You guys heading out?"

"Yes sir. We're done for the day." I said.

"Well I wanted to invite you to this yacht party that Diddy is hosting."

"P. Diddy?! Hell yes we wanna go!" L.A. answered for both of us.

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