Chapter 1

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I walk around these halls and let everything soak into my mind, soul, and emotions. I walk into our old geometry class and remember the face he gave me when I locked eyes with him, calming my anxiety because I finally had a friend in one of my classes. I walked over to the desk next to him and sat down. I remember the times he made me laugh, in this boring class of ours. He was mocking the teacher, and then sent to the headmaster for 'cocking an attitude'. I walk out of our old school, and headed towards the local park we use to hang around. I walk around this park letting every emotion hit me at once. The park where we would swing at age 7, a park where we had our first cigarette at age 10, a park where we shared our first kiss at age 13, a place filled with secrets that were told at 10 pm, a place where we would escapse from everything bad in our lifes. Only he was able to fully escapse, I was stuck here forced to remember and relive the terrible memory of my first real friend, my first love, my first everything. All to be taken away from me by age 18. I walk over to the swings and take a seat on the first swing I see. I let my surroundings settle down with me emotionally and mentally. I haven't been here since I was 17, I am currently 21. I look down at my feet and play with the wood chips, listening to the squeeking of the swings and the chirping of the swallows and blue jays flying freely around me.

"Kacie?" a voice called for me, forcing me back into reality. I looked around to find nothing there. Suddenly, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and pulling me backwards into their chest. "Kacie, its been so long." the voice purred into my ear. I felt a head rest on my shoulder and turned it so I could get a clearer veiw of who was touching me so much. As I turned my head I saw brown hair that was styled up. His eyes were shut and his eyelashes created a soft shadow of black. His lips were in a state of relaxation, semi open and light breathing. I could feel the light breaths tickling my shoulder. "You know it's not polite to stare, love." He softly smiled as his eyes flickered open. Deep brown eyes soon engulfed me as I stared into his eyes.

"Oh, its you. I thought you were someone else." I said has a smile was forced onto my lips.

"Yeah, only your best mate in the world of mates, Kac!" Liam exclaimed, getting a giggle out of me. "Gosh, I missed you! How long are you here for?" Liam asked.

"Oh, eh, only for the um, the-" I choked on my own words.

"Hey, its alright, I understand. Har- he was your first everything and best friend."

"Till death do us part, he always said, and he sure did keep that promise." I softly said.

"Hey, its alright Kacie. Why don't I ring up Zayn and Louis and we all go out to coffee, yeah?" he smiled holding up his iPhone. I nodded for him to do whatever because he was going to do it wheather I said yes or not. I sat on the swing while I watched him ring up one of the 2 boys. As he was waiting for someone to pick up, he was making silly faces to me making me smile.

"Hey Louis! It's Liam, how are ya? Yeah, I'm good thanks! Guess whose back from America for a while!" Liam smiled at me. "No, it isn't jake, or elena, or- NO! It isnt my girlfriend, if I even had one that is!" he blushed at that last part, and looked at me. "This kid," he mouthed to me and I gave him a giggle in return. "Lou-, yes I'm with someone. Yes it is a female, no she isn't my girlfriend, gosh!" I held out my hand and motioned for him to give me the phone. "Here, find out yourself on who it is." he said then handed me the phone. I put it to my ear ready to say something.

"Zayn, what are you doing? No! Dont tou- PUT MY CUP DOWN! I'm not done with my tea little fucker!?" he yelled at zayn, I giggled at hearing this, "Oh, I didnt know I was being listened to. So love, whats your name? What part of America are ya from, I'm a curious cat today." Louis asked me.

"Actually, I'm from Holmes Chapel." I said proudly with my American/British mixed accent.

"Oh are you now? I kno- knew 2 mates from there. Their names were Kacie and Harry. They were cute together, that is, before the accident. Then Kac left, and I haven't heard from her since really. Only a few calls here and there Wouldn't blame her, honestly." Louis said sounding disappointed yet upset. I took a deep breath and shut my eyes for a few seconds from hearing that name. I haven't heard that name in over a year, and I try not to talk or think about it. It hurts too much and it brings back memories I do not want to think about anymore. I let out a shakey breath. "Yeah, I know Louis. Its me lou-bear. Its Kacie." I told him softly trying not to cry, due to the sudden over whelming feeling.

"Oh my gosh, Kacie!! It been what, 2 years? How are you? No, how are you doing? Whats going on in life? What part of Am-"

"Louis! Im alright, really. I'll answer your questions over coffee, yea? Why don't you and Zayn meet Liam and I at the starbucks over by the local park?" I suggested, Louis agreed while yelling at Zayn to put a shirt on because they were going somewhere. He said he would meet us there in about 25 minutes because Zayn decided to now take a shower and do his hair. I told him its alright as long as they dont stand us up. Louis said his good-byes and then hung up. I sat there on the swing looking as the phone. Liam took his phone from my hands, my eyes still looking to the ground. I looked up a little to see Liam's arms out and open, ready for my body to enter into a hug, ready for human contact. I shook my head no and continued lightly swing on my swing. I noticed Liam's smile fell a little bit as he started walking towards me. He grabed my swing and held it until it stopped swaying. Liam bent down so he was face to face with mine. His big brown eyes taking over my view of the slide across the playground.

"Oh Kacie, my beautiful, sweet, wilted flower." he whispered to me. With that, I felt something wet on my cheeks and felt his hands on my arms picking me up and holding me while I softly cried. "It's alright Kac, I'm here. I'm not leaving you anytime soon, love." he cooed to me. I started crying harder now, not use to this kind of contact, not use to crying in public, not use to a man comforting me. He pulled away and looked at me. He wiped away the tears on my cheek and fixed any running mascara. "There, now my flower looks good as new. At least on the outside, she does." He said smiling at me. He kissed my forehead, "Come on sweet, lets go see Louis and Zayn!" he said with a big smile on his face. I smiled back at him and placed my arm around his waist as he put his arm around my shoulders. Together, we walked towards the Starbucks.


A/N: Well, I hope you all enjoy this!! I'm really excited to see where this goes!!! What will Louis and Zayn ask Kacie when they see her for the first time in a year? Does Liam have feelings for her? WAIT AND SEEE :)) love you all so much!!!

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