Chapter 9

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The drive to Anne's house was filled with nothing but anxiety and fear. All that went through my head was if Kacie was ok. When I arrived at the house, I noticed there was a car in front of the house, and a girl leaning into the window. I realIy couldnt see who it was since it was almost 9:30pm, so I ignored it and pulled into the driveway. When I parked the car I quickly got out of and lightly jogged to the front door. I could hear the clicking of heels, knowing that girl was behind me.

"What are you doing here?" i heard from behind

"Gemma, please dont. Dont do this crap right now. All im here for is Kacie." i explained to her as she took our her keys.

"Kacie? She's here?" she asked, opening her door. We entered the house to find Anne pacing the kitchen down the hall.

"Thank god your here Liam! She's in his room. Gemma I need to talk to you please." Anne said walking towards us, quickly hugging me. I nodded at her as I departed from the group to head upstairs.

"What the fu-" I heard Gemma yell but ignored it. I sprinted up the stairs and down the hall to Harry's room, well old room. When I got it the door, it was slightly open. I peered in to see his old room. Everything seemed exactly how I remembered it those many years ago. Only difference was that there in his bed laid a broken girl. A girl whose black hair cascaded across the pillows, a girl whose face was covered in nothing but tears and black streaks streaming down her face. A girl whom I sworn to protect and never hurt. I broke that promise I made years ago as I watch this broken girl break even more.

I walked into the room and got closer to the bed. Each step I took, her body seemed to cringe even more. When I was at the side of the bed I looked down. She looked broken, she looked like a fragile doll, I know she was drowning. Drowning in her sea of depression, betrayal, hurt, and emptiness, and I planned on saving her. I reached out to touch her and when my hand came in contact with her shoulder, she flinched. She gasped a little bit. She felt hot for some reason. "Kacie it's ok, you're alright love." I cooed to her as I pulled the broken girl into my arms. Everything changed. Her mind took over not her body. Suddenly I noticed, one fist was gripping my tee shirt and the other continuously hitting my chest. She was starting to push me away but I couldn't let her go, not this time. I only held her closer the more she tried to push me away. This didn't help, it only made things worse.

"Kacie, it's alright. I'm here." I told her.
She finally got free of my strong grip. She got a good placement of her hands on my shoulders and shoved. Shoved with all the power her tiny body could give. I lost my balance off the bed. When she lifted her head up and locked eyes with me, something change. It's like I physically saw something snap inside of her head or put the pieces together. She rose up and got on her knees facing me.

"Kac-" I started softly, then interrupted with a slap on my cheek.

"No! You have nothing to say to me Liam! You have no right to be here. I don't want to see you anymore. Just get away from me," She spilled. "I hate you Liam Payne. I hate you so much. How can you act like nothing happened? how can you 'pretend' to be sad over something you knew about? how can you still be my friend and look me in the face and say 'I'm here for you kac, forever' how can you still be my friend and know what you know? You continued your pathetic lie of a life and of our friendship. You thought I would be with you? After all this time, Liam, you knew he was going to leave me!" She screeched at the top of her lungs while sobbing. She was loosing it and it was my fault. I didn't even noticed she was hitting me. Like full on punches and slaps and everything. I didn't feel it because I deserve it. Every blow she's give me, every word of anger, every single thing she feels I deserve. All I did was stand there and take every hit. No reactions nothing. This continued for 3 minutes, then she just stopped.

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