Chapter 8

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"Sure thing Kac! Bye!" Zayn hung up the phone and put it backin his right back pocket. I stood there, stuck n my spot, watching Zayn. I felt my anger boilng as he continued to stay silent about the conversation with her. He should have given me the phone. He doesnt have the right to be talking to her right now. I should be the one talking and apologizng over and over to her. Zayn turned around to face Niall, louis and I with a face of reassurance and calmness. He walked back to his seat next to Niall and sat down next to him, Niall immediately moving back to his original spot before the call; head resting on top of his heart hand laying parallel from his head, legs curled up and Zayn's arm wrapped around his boyfriends side. I could feel my blood boiling now.
"So you're not going to tell me why she called you instead of me? Or are you just going to keep quite and cuddle with your fucking boyfriend?" I nearly yelled at the black haired boy. Niall flinching at the sudden change of voice. Zayn ran his hand up and down Niall's side as a gesture of comfort.
"It's alright Ni, don't freak," He cooed in the blonds ear. "Liam, thats exactly why she called me instead of you. You would have yelled at her and begged for her to come back here. She sounded, what's the word, anxious? She seemed anxious for something. I mean she was at Anne's house. She hasn't seen her since Harry's suicide anyways." Zayn explained.
"You still should have told her to text me or call me back in some way! She shouldn't be doing that alone! What if she has a panic attack or even worse than that?" I started panicking myself.
"Liam, you need to calm down, I mean you are panicking yourself. You don't want to see her and be a panic yourself." Louis explained.
"I'm fine! I'm panicking because she didn't reply to me and I want to apologize and there's so much she needs to know that she doesn't know!"
"What are you talking about?" Niall asked, lifting his head off of Zayn's chest, just enough to look me in the eyes.
"I-uhh- well there's just so much I have to tell her and everything." I said quietly. They can't know that Harry came to me the day before he died. They can't know the promise I made with him. She defiantly can't know that I promised to watch over her while he was gone. How was I suppose to know he was going to kill himself the next day!? I just thought he was going to break up with her and leave her behind, but suicide? It never crossed my mind. I mean yes I love her. Shit, I really love her. The moment I saw her when we were younger, I knew I would end up falling for her hard. I was so right. Then Harry and her started dating and I felt heart broken, for some reason.
"Liam! Snap out of it and relax! She'll be fine, Anne would never do anything to hurt her mentally or physically in anyway." Louis said patting the seat next to him on the couch. I took a seat and he turned on the tv. We sat there in silence as we watched whatever so Louis has on. I kept checking my phone. It's been 2 hours since Kacie has called Zayn and I'm starting to panic again. I noticed a hand on the side of my vision and turned my head. I found Louis' tanned hand facing up and waiting for something.
"Hand it over Mr. Anxiety." Louis teased. I sighed and put my phone in his hand. "If she texts or calls I will give you the phone back alright?" I groaned in reply and we all continued to watch tv. Zayn and Niall were being the typical cute boyfriends that anyone could ever lay eyes on. Zayn rested his head on top of Niall's, but not watching tv. Instead watching Niall and his reactions to the show that's on. Niall's head was still resting over Zayns heart and left arm was wrapped around his waist. Every second or so you could see the fabric of Zayns shirt bunch up in Nialls hand as a gesture of reassurance that's he's still there. I noticed, during hushed times of the show, Zayn was lighting humming in Niall's ear calming him down. Niall's breathing slowed down, from what I could see, and then suddenly went to light breathing. Zayn looked up and noticed me staring or at least admiring the two couples.
"He seemed to start to have an anxiety problem a few days ago, so he's had a few random attacks here and there. I him to him to calm him down, then he falls asleep." Zayn explained in a light tone to me. I nodded at him and brought my attention back to the show. After about 5 minutes, Zayn got up with Niall in his arms.
"I'll be in my room with sleeping beauty over here, if you need me, alright?" Zayn stated. Louis and I nodded at him. Louis changed the channel to BBC News. I heard a different sound in the background. I notice the sound and started reaching for my phone. Louis handed it to me. I checked the caller ID and noticed it was Kacie who was calling me. I jumped up from my seat and ran to the kitchen.
"Kacie?! Are you ok? Look, I'm so sorry for everything, please come back to the apartment so we can talk!" I ranted.
"Sorry to burst your bubble Liam, but it's Anne. Kacie seems to be having some type of attack and I don't know what to do. She started crying uncontrollably, and I held her for a bit. Her breathing went out of control, I think she called me Mum, then it seems she's fainted. Liam, you have to get over here please." Anne rambled on.
"Alright I'm on my way ok? Just stay with her and hold her until I get there! give me 5 minutes to get there! thank you so much for calling me Mrs. Styles!" I said to her walking into the main room and putting on my shoes.
"I'm leaving now, I'll talk to you soon, thanks again." I repeated myself and hung up the phone. Louis got up from his seat with a confused look on his face.
"Kacie was having some type of attack an Anne doesn't know what to do, so she called me to come over. Can I get a ride? Or can I just borrow your car?" I asked him. He walked over to the basket on the table, took out his keys and tossed ten to me.
"One scratch, ticket or anything, it's your money lad." Louis said with a smirk.
"Thank you so much Lou. I'll be back." I said running out of the apartment. I ran to the garage and got into his car. I turned on the car and drove down the street. The only thought running through my head as I got closer to Anne's house: please Kacie, don't give up on anything at all.


A/N: here you go guys!!! Thanks for all the reads so far!! Wow zialls a thing in the chapter!! What do you think is causing Niall's anxiety? Any thoughts? Maybe Liam will confess his love to Kacie. Or will Kacie hate him for not telling her about the letter harry wrote?? Thanks again you guys!!! Love you so much my little chick-a-dees!!!

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