Chapter 24

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"You know it's not nice to creep on people when they are sleeping." A raspy voice said.

I slowly turned around to see a shirtless Louis stretching and giving me a weird look.

"I didn't mean to creep I promise. I just wanted to see if you were awake, well that was answered really quick."

"Oh well, you could have knocked. She's still aslee-"

"No I'm not. What you talkin bout." She said quietly as I laughed leaning against the door for support. Louis looked over to Camille with his hands up and chuckled.

"My bad, babe. Thought you were still sleeping." He said getting back in bed to cuddle her.

"No, don't you dare. Camille were spending the day together anyways, so you can explain-" I looked back and forth between my two friends, "this. You can explain this over coffee."

She looked over at me and gave me a sheepish grin and nodded.

"Give me 5?" I nodded and walked to the door. I turned around to say something else but what I saw was the cutest thing. Louis' arms were wrapped around Camille's waist as she was leaning half her body on his and the other half in the bed. Her head was nuzzled into the crook of his neck and his head was resting on top of hers. His left hand was running up and down her spine and her right hand was placed over his heart. I could hear soft humming and giggling. I shook my head and walked out of the room, knowing she really meant 15 minutes.

After I left those two alone, I walked toward the kitchen to find Niall at the stove and zayn sitting patently at the counter with a smile on his face.

"Morning guys." I said to them as they turned around and have me big toothy smiles.

"Morning Kacie!!" Niall said ecstatically.

"Morning Kac!" Zayn said getting up and hugging me.

"How did you sleep?" he asked as he sat back down and I walked to the fridge.

"Actually, surprisingly really well."

"Was it because of a curtain someone?" A different voice said. I looked to see Camille walking in.

"Haha very funny, I should be asking you the same thing!" I laughed at her as her face turned a different shade. "Yeah can't dish what you can't handle honey."

"Oh that has nothing to do with-" she stopped talking.

"What? Do with what?" Niall said curiously, looking back and forth between us.

"Nothing Niall, listen if Liam comes out of his room asking for me tell him... Tell him I'm out with Camille all day today." I said as I grabbed her wrist and we walked out of the kitchen. I put on my shoes with Camille and we started walking out the door when both Liam and Louis called for us.

"Where are you going?" They asked us.

"Out." We both said and quickly left. We walked down the street to the closest coffee shop that wasn't Starbucks and we ordered our drinks and took a seat.

"Ok spill it, what's going in between Liam and you." She said first.

"Ohhh no, you first. Louis?! Really!" I said to her.

"There is nothing wrong with louis!" she fought back.

"Oh I know, I've known him for about 7ish years!"

"Really? What was-"

"Not the point! When did you guys start dating?" I asked. She looked away from me and down to her coffee. "No, don't tell me. You guys arnt- arnt fuck buddies!?" I said a little loud.

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