Chapter 19

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The last few days have probably been on the top 10 most relaxing days of my life.

On Monday, I took Camille out to explore my hometown. She learned about my high school days, where I spent most of my time away from the family, the routes I took if I wanted some alone time. Everything I could have done when I lived here. She was so happy and excited to learn about my life here in Holmes. We went shopping then got lunch and coffee. She asked me if I had any high school sweethearts, and I thought about telling her about Harry for the first time. She knew bits and pieces, but not the whole story. I decided not to say anything, at least not yet. When we got home it was about 7 pm so we ordered food for us since the boys weren't back from whatever they were doing. We watched movies an had a great girls night in.

On Tuesday, Liam decided to actually look at me. I don't know why he was so upset with this whole thing. Maybe it was because I didn't talk to him or that I broke his promise. I didn't mean to be sent to the hospital. I think he's being too hard on himself and I. If he wants to give me a silent treatment then I'll give it back to him. I decided to stay in that day, the anti depressants made me feel weird and tired for some reason. Louis stayed home too, while Zayn, Niall and Camille went out and Liam did whatever. Together, Louis and I watched reruns of Wipeout and whatever else was on. We laughed, ate food, and just flat out relaxed all day.

On Wednesday, I got into a small fight with Louis because I didn't take my anti depressants on time. I didn't want to take them so i it's threw them out. Unfortunately, Louis walked into the kitchen as I threw them out in the trash. Oops? Finally after arguing for about 10 minutes, I took them and went back to the spare room that they had. For a flat, they sure had a lot of spare rooms. I stayed in bed almost all day, I didn't want to be bothered, I just wanted to be alone. Although I couldn't because someone was always checking up on me ever other hour or so. Even when I was sleeping, they would wake me up. I was getting irritated with them honestly. I don't remember eating that night or anything.

I woke up the next morning feeling unsure about the day. I pulled myself out of bed and walked over to the closet and opened it up. I looked at my clothes and tried to figure out what to wear. I decided to go with a light blue pair of jeans, a little mermaid tee shirt and a black hoodie. For shoes I went with my black vans. I put on my shoes and looked at the clock, 12:46 pm.

'Great only 2 more hours until my meeting.' I thought to myself. I heard a soft knock at my door, and got off my bed to answer it. I opened it to find myself facing Liam.

"Mornin, I was just wondering if you were up yet. Niall was getting a little bit worried." He said softly.

"Oh, yeah I've been up for about 10 minutes. I'll be out in a little bit." I said to him in a hushed tone. With that he walked away and I shut the door behind him. I walked over to the mirror and brushed my hair and fixed it. I applied a little bit of make up because I know I wanted to do something with Camille after my appointment today. After I was happy with the way my appearance looked I finally walked out of the room. I walked down the hallway and entering the main room. Only to find Camille sitting on Louis lap. She had the biggest smile on her face and Louis was smiling back. I noticed that she was giggling and he was being, well, him.

"Ahem..." I said quietly trying not to laugh myself. Camille looked over at me with big eyes, like she was 5 years old again and her mother caught her with a cookie before dinner.

"Kacie!! Hi! Good morn-noon! Afternoon!" She said quickly getting off of Louis and walking over to me.

"Hi camille, how are you?" I asked her

"Oh, you know same old same old."

"Annoyed yet in love?"

"Haha very cute. What are the plans today?" She asked, following me into the kitchen.

"Um, my appointment today with my psychiatrist then nothing. Why?" I asked back leaning against the counter.

"Oh, well I was wondering if you didn't mind if lou and I walked around town a bit?" she asked, each word getting quieter and quieter. Like she was embarrassed or nervous about my reply.


"Can Louis and I walk around town together. Just us." She asked with more conference.

"Yeah, I don't see why not really. My meeting is in about 2 hours."

"Great! Thanks again Kac!" She said to me walking off to the main room with a big smile on her face.

When I came back to the main room, I found Camille and Louis gone but Liam sitting in the couch. I walked past the tv and started for the hallway, when I heard a soft sigh. I stopped instantly.

"Do you have a problem?" I asked, turning around to face him.

"N-no. I don't."

"Then what's your big deal. Why are you being a dick?" I asked straight up, tired of playing these games with him.

"Me? being a dick?" he asked again sounding surprised.

"Yeah, a dick. Ever since the hospital, you've been avoiding me and not realizing my presence. What did I do wrong, Liam?" I asked him. He couldn't look me in the eyes, he was too busy thinking.

"I don't want to hear you excuse really." I told him.

"Please, listen to me Kacie I hate I that we don't talk." He pleaded grabbing my arm again.

"You hours have thought of that before you snapped at me!" I almost yelled.

"I know, and I am truly sorry. I was just upset with my self and wasn't thinking straight. Please forgive me." He said, his eyes meaning it.

"Liam, I-" I sighed. I want to forgive him but he shouldn't have snapped at me like that. Suddenly, Liam's left arm was wrapped around my waist and pulling me to him. His right hand cupping my cheek. His eyes were filled with love, forgiveness, and concern.

"Please Kacie, I love you too much to have you hate me." I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. My ear was resting just over his heart so I could hear the heart heart quicken at my movement.

"I don't forgive you Liam, you have to earn that, but I do miss you." I said to him. He returned the hug just as tight, maybe even equally. he buried his head into my neck and kept it there.

"I promise to make it all up to, love."


A/N: sorry for not updating as often.. I'm so busy with work, my catering orders (cakes and cupcakes) and with football (soccer). So yeah, this chapter was all about time passing by. Next chapter we learn a little bit about Kacie's life and more about her feelings. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a fantastic day!!!! Love you guys so so much!!

Who are you guys rooting for in the World Cup?

I'm going for USA (obviously..) and Brazil.

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