Chaptet 29

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A/N: there is a part in this chapter that a song plays. I don't want to put the whole song lyrics just the fist two. Please listen to the whole song AT THAT MOMENT. Which means to stop reading and to listen to it then to continue reading. I'll let you know what song it is.


Moments -One Direction

Amnesia -5 Seconds of Summer

Human -Christina Perrie

Don't Let Me Go -Harry Styles (listen when it is told to. PLEASE LISTEN TO THE WHOLE THING.)


That girl was me on our 8 month anniversary. That's when the tears started falling down my face.

Liam took my hand into his and Louis took my other hand. Memories of Harry and I came floating back into my head, the wall that kept them hidden was broken. The speaker was talking about how it has been 4 years since the death of Harry and how much he misses him. Many people went up to speak, all left the podium in tears, most didn't even finish their speech.

"And now, anyone who hasn't spoken can speak now." Someone said.

This is my chance. This is my time.

I looked at Liam and he looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and took my hand out of his. I stood up and started making my way to the podium. There were silent cries still as I walked up. I got to the podium and turned around to face the crowd, about 35-45 people were here. I looked to Anne and she had the biggest smile on her face. I looked to Liam and Louis and everyone else, they all were in shock that I was up there. Before I started I took a deep breath and looked back at the grave. I smiled down at Harry and released the breath I was holding.

"Hi, for those who don't know who I am, my name is Kacie Michelle Thompson, and I am, well was, best friends with Harry. Harry and I basically grew up together, our mums were great friends and so on. Harry and I were attached to the hips growing up. If I needed to use the bathroom, he would walk with me and wait for me to finish, if I was hungry, we would search the kitchen for food that we wanted, granted out mums didn't like the mess we left when they came home," every one chuckled at that, Anne crying at the memory i was recalling. Tears ready to cascade down my face. "Harry and I were always there for each other. When I was 15, Harry took me to the local park and he ended up asking me out." People awed and smiled at this. "Of course, I said yes and we were happy. No matter what happened, we were always together, talking, texting, calling anything. We were in love, and Anne saw it. She saw it in her sons eyes that, I just may be the girl he wanted to marry. We were together for 3 years, until it happened. I can tell you now, that loosing my parent at age 12, was nothing compared to loosing your best friend and boy friend at age 18. To watch him die, in your hands, to experience the pain, to be in shock because you thought everything was ok. I didn't know he felt like this. He never told me, or else I would have gone to Anne a long time ago."

I stopped talking to wipe away the tears that were on my face. I took a breath, looked at Liam, whose face was just as red from the tears.

"If I could do anything to fix it, I would. Harry was always the musical one, he loved singing and always said he wanted to be big someday. One time we got into an argument so bad that he thought we were going to break up. So he wrote a song about the pain he felt and if everyone doesn't mind. I have the cd that he gave me and I would like to play it." The host took the cd from my hand and placed it in the CD player next to his grave. "This is Don't Let Me Go, written by Harry Styles." I said as he hit play.

"Now you were there standing right in front of me.

I hold on, its get thing harder to breath......"

After the song was done playing, everyone was a crying mess again and I was ready to break. I couldn't, not yet.

"I guess this sums up my speech, if you want to call it that. But before I go back to my seat, I just wanted to say that to this day I love harry, with all my heart and I'll never be able to feel what I felt with him with anyone else. Anne, I wanted to thank you for being the best mum he could have ever had and the best mum I could have wished for while mine wasn't." Anne stood up an walked over to me and took e into her arms. That's when I lost it. The tears streamed down my face and I just let go.

I let go of all the pain I have felt, everything.

"Kacie you are a wonderful thing in my life. I love you like my own and you know this. Kacie I love you so much an that you for that beautiful speak love. She said to me as she continued to hug me. "You were the best thing to happen in my sons life, I want you to know that now." Together we walked back to our seat and Liam meet me half way. Liam helped me sit down and Louis handed me a tissue.

"That was beautiful Kac. He would be so proud of you." Louis whispered to me.

"That was a very touched moment, Ms.Thompson. Anyone else who would like to speak?" A few more people went and then we all closed with another song and a prayer. After that everyone would either go home or go back to the Styles house for snacks and time of more love and remembrance. Liam stood up and tugged on my arm to tell me to stand up. I did what he wanted and he took me into a hug. He wrapped his arms around my small body and my arms wrapped around his neck. I nuzzled my head into his neck and closed my eyes and breathed in his cologne.

"I'm so proud of you babe." He whispered in my ear. I smiled at him and nuzzled my head deeper into his neck. I heard someone clear their throat behind me, I let go of him and turned round. I found Louis and Camille looking at me with a smile.

"That was simply beautiful raspberry!" Camille said to me as she walked up to me and hugged me. Louis was next as he took me in his arms too. Then Niall an Zayn followed after them. All of them telling me that I was strong for going up there an hating my story and song with everyone in the crowd.

"What's the plan now?" Niall asked me. I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders. I saw Gemma walking up from behind Niall and Zayn and she smiled at me.

"Kac, that speech was beautiful. It was really touching. How long did you have that written?" She asked me with a smile.

"Um, really? I just winged it. I just said what my heart told me too. I wasn't planning on speaking at all. The CD I had because I was going to give it to your mum after everything." I told her.

"Oh well, she would love it! Please come over to the house. It would mean a lot to me and mum." She insisted that I came along and didn't skip it to go home and sleep.

"We would love too." Liam said for me. "We'll be on our way now." He said as he placed his arm around my shoulders and started walking towards the cars.


A/N: so this is the chapter. It probably sucks ass, but I tried. Hope you enjoyed it.

The only reason why I'm updating is because I basically promised that I would. This weekend has been really stressful and I wish I could have been better.

Follow my twitter for updates on when I post the chapters and for other things.


Love you guys and I hope you've have a better weekend than mine... <33

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